

  • TopazCarey
    TopazCarey Posts: 263
    whenever i am hungry, feel like eating & need to talk myself out of it, i think that if i'm hungry & i don't eat... then my body will start eating the fat... and then i know i am feeling my body eat the fat away!!!

    You should eat when you're hungry.
  • chrissismone
    chrissismone Posts: 116 Member
    To answer someone who said what did I mean by doing something I would regret I mean quitting. My weight loss isn't just weight. It's linked to a bit more that I can't share online. I thank each and every one of you for your kind words. I take tonight to cry and get back on the saddle tomorrow. I may need to beef up my workouts,look for some things to do at home on days that I'm drained from work. SN-I'm a true introvert and for me interacting with people drains me. So that's why the gym at times is hard. I will keep all this in mind thank you all for the good swift kick in the positive direction.
  • devilsangel2
    devilsangel2 Posts: 123 Member
    I just took a look at your progress photo in your profile and OMG - you have nothing to be feeling bad about!!! You have done great!!!

    Don't get hung up on the scale. Try taking measurements,because I can see you have shrunk heaps and don't get down on yourself. It can be frustrating if you have eaten well and exercised but the scale doesn't drop - but the scale is not the be all and all.

    When I have a really bad week, eat some nasty food and don't exercise like I should I remind myself that a) this is STILL better than what I used to do and b) tomorrow is another day.

    Stay strong and remember it's a lifetime journey not a quick a jaunt.
  • stablesong
    stablesong Posts: 224
    I don't like interacting with many people at the gym either. I just put my stuff down, headphones in, and get going. I leave my headphones is when I stretch and take water breaks. People tend to stop talking to you when they realize you can't hear them.

    Don't give up. You will succeed, you just have to believe that and stick with it long enough to make a change. Make sure you're eating and sleeping enough. It might benefit you to find some workouts you can do at home and only go to the gym a couple of times a week.
  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    I'm trying to understand where your frustration is coming in? Because the scale hasn't moved in awhile?

    Fact is, you ARE healthier than you were a year ago. Isn't that worth it?
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Having a bad day or days doesn't mean giving up. I lost about 45 pounds in 2011 and now I'm facing up to the reality that to stay at this weight I have to be concious of good habits for the long term. I've learnt that it doesn't matter if I have a few bad days, or even a few bad weeks, the important thing is that I keep a bit of awareness about what I'm doing and make sure that it doesn't happen every day. I've got rid of my "fat" clothes and I have one particular pair of pants that are a really good reminder whether I'm on track or not - if they feel a bit looser or a bit tighter I take that as an indication that I'm on track or backsliding a bit.
    Hang in there, take a break from calorie counting if you need to, but dont give up!
  • alocin1709
    In the words of Henry Ford ~ If you think you can, or you think you can't, you're probably right!

    Best wishes on your pathway to a healthier you.
  • scarlettsky7
    scarlettsky7 Posts: 128 Member
    i could be wrong but it sounds like you are feeling like you are losing a part of yourself when you lose weight. our bodies and how we construct our identify or "self" are constantly changing. in this loss there is gain, but we have to figure out what that new gain is. you are doing a wonderful job by committing to a healthier lifestyle regardless of the number you weigh, and YOU LOOK GREAT! you got this! :)
  • paisley2288
    paisley2288 Posts: 913 Member
    I joined at the beginning of January and I have only lost 8 pounds. I am doing it at my own pace. If I feel like having something that isn't necessarily good for me, I have it. Depriving yourself only makes it harder. But you should practice being able to say no SOMETIMES. Is it depression? Anxiety? Can you not afford the gym? I work out at home AND at the gym. I prefer at home because I don't like people looking at me. You really have no excuse not to log your calories, though. This website is free.
  • 41degsouth
    Some days when I've been under target I can feel really down, and I think it is a blood sugar thing. So first thing, are you eating enough?

    Many nutritionists etc argue the fastest you should try to lose weight is a pound a week, so 44lbs in a year is fabulous! Yes, some people here report losing more, and when someone is well above their healthy weight that may be ok, but people losing 100lbs in a year are the exception, and you shouldn't beat yourself up with their stories... You've done great, and you can keep going.

    But we all need holidays sometime. What about putting your goal back to weight maintanance for a week, so you get 500 extra calories to work with, while still knowing you're not gaining any weight. That might give you a bit more energy to continue the journey when the week is up?
  • winterlillies
    winterlillies Posts: 2 Member
    I've seen people lose 100 pounds within a year or just under and also started at the weight I was. Unlike them I've only lost 45 pounds with no movement on the scale since January 2nd (in fact the second week of January I weighed myself, it and it said I gained 15 pounds!), but I've lost inches. A pant size that wasn't near fitting me in January now fits (well I can zip it up without a muffin top), but I can't sit in them (that's a goal for next few weeks). I'm currently unemployed so right now I have the chance to do a morning workout and a night walk with the dog. There are many times I get frustrated with the S-L-O-W weight loss, but then I put into perspective the 45 pounds and how many months, etc. That's almost 4-5 pounds a month. I'll take it. I keep reminding myself that Rome wasn’t built in a day. I know it’s hard to not see success when others have it and no matter how hard we push ourselves some people lose weight faster than us. We’ll get there.

    You know what keeps me going? I have a journal where I paste pictures from magazines of outfits I’d like to wear when I’m at my goal weight. Also I did a graduate degree abroad at my current weight 4 years ago and you don’t know how often I wish I had gone thinner(I didn’t go out much or explore because I was worried what people might think of me, etc.). I came back having lost 75 pounds and I’m ashamed to say I gained it back plus 50 more (a big part of it is a small depression I fell into with not being able to find employment). I’m planning a trip back to the UK with a friend in the next year or two and I’d like to go back weighing less than what I was when I left. I can’t control when I’ll find a job, but I can control my weight and my weight loss journey.

    Don’t give up. If you need to give yourself a day or two to reflect then do, but then jump back into it and continue it.
  • paisley2288
    paisley2288 Posts: 913 Member
    Just so you know, if you give up and gain back your 44 pounds... this is what you're gaining back...

  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    I bought a build it yourself eliptical machine on line. It is the tony little gazelle it was under 100 bucks. It is a very simple machine but I love it. It has helped me to loose a lot of weight and it is great as I can not afford a gym membership and I need to exercise. Just an idea.
  • thekarens
    thekarens Posts: 254 Member
    From your second post it sounds like there's more going on than just the weight, maybe mental or emotional things. Been there, done that, still do some times. I highly recommend a good therapist. Mental and emotional health is just as important as physical health and I think they go hand in hand. If money is an issue there are therapists that will work on a sliding scale based on your income or if you have a home church often there's counselors there that can help you.

    If it's just a matter of getting discouraged I would recommend just plugging along without checking out the scale. Everyone has bad times and days. Just keep with it and forget the scale. That's just one more pressure that you don't need.
  • mishmash73
    mishmash73 Posts: 166 Member
    Actually... if i'm ready to go to bed i shouldn't eat... and if i know i just ate 30 minutes prior,,, then i won't eat... and eating every few hours is old school way of thinking per my trainer.... everything works fo rpeople differently