I need protein!



  • Chiny
    Chiny Posts: 321
    Muscle Milk!! Out of all the protein shakes & bars I've tried, this one seems to taste the best and it's around 30g of protein per serving.

    dont you think Muscle Milk has a lot of sugar and fat?

    It does have a lot of sugar (maybe that's why I like it so much :bigsmile: ) but honestly I never checked the fat content
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    How do you like P90X? I have the program but haven't started it yet. I am waiting for my workout room to be completed. Also have you ever tried Egg White Protein powder? I have some from Jay Robb, its very good and nothing artificial added.

    I never got around to trying eggs ... I'm pretty protein powdered to the max as it is.

    I'm loving P90X. My fitness has improved in leaps and bounds already, and it's only my 4th week. I'm also losing inches very quickly ... I can't go swimming right now because my old swim shorts are too loose, hehe.
  • Chiny
    Chiny Posts: 321
    ghanie-I love that excuse to not go swimming, that is awesome!!
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