Things I've Learned About Strength Training

1. Unless you are an experienced lifter, do not create your own program. Great programs, created by professional strength coaches, have already been one of those.

2. Do not do a program you find in a body building magazine. Bodybuilding programs are pretty much useless for beginners since they contain high sets, high reps, and a lot of isolation exercises.

3. Compound exercises are key. Learn how to squat, deadlift, bench press, and row. With those 4 exercises, you will get the body you want.

4. Heavy weight, lower reps > low weight, high reps.

5. Form is key. Take time to perfect your form, your joints will appreciate it.

6. Ego is the cause of most injuries.

7. You will not gain significant muscle mass unless you exceed your recommended caloric intake.

8. Women will not look like men if they lift weights. Women who do look like men take steroids and estrogen blockers (or they really are men in women's clothing).

9. Have a plan. If you go into the gym without a plan, you'll limit your results. Stick with a routine for at least 6 weeks to see if it works for you. If its working, don't change it until it stops working.

10. If you show me a fitness study, I'll show you a contradicting study. What may work for someone else, may not work for you. Fitness is an imperfect science, there is a lot of trial and error to find what works best.

11. A thousand crunches a day will not get you a six-pack, but a good diet will.

12. You will keep the weight off longer if you lift weights. The more muscle you have, the more resting calories you burn.

Feel free to add more to help inform! :)


  • lauragoespop
    This is so true!

    As a female hammer thrower who lifts 3 times a week I see so many people lifting badly or not having a structured programme. Its pretty frightening!
  • tlhorsley
    tlhorsley Posts: 141 Member
    Good Post. I agree with about all of it.

    The one I struggle with is 7. You will not gain significant muscle mass unless you exceed your recommended caloric intake.

    This is where I am (or should be) right now. Needing to gain lean muscle but eating over my recommended caloric intake is so very scary. (I just started this process this week).
  • kate_sunflower
    kate_sunflower Posts: 152 Member
    Thanks for that post! I actually really needed to read this because my nutritionist yesterday was stressing just how important strength training is in losing weight compared to cardio. I mean she was really, REALLY stressing it - because of the long term calorie burn. I was wondering if you have a good site or recommendations for beginners to find strength training programs.

    Or else then I am one of those without a plan and I end up wandering aimlessly to the cardio machines and never touch a dumbbell. But I want to incorporate both this time and see what I can do to lose these pesky 20 pounds and stop yo-yoing!
  • najla56
    najla56 Posts: 195 Member

    6. Ego is the cause of most injuries.

    so true!! LOL
  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member
    Thanks for that post! I actually really needed to read this because my nutritionist yesterday was stressing just how important strength training is in losing weight compared to cardio. I mean she was really, REALLY stressing it - because of the long term calorie burn. I was wondering if you have a good site or recommendations for beginners to find strength training programs.

    Or else then I am one of those without a plan and I end up wandering aimlessly to the cardio machines and never touch a dumbbell. But I want to incorporate both this time and see what I can do to lose these pesky 20 pounds and stop yo-yoing!

    Stronglifts 5x5 is the best beginner program I've seen so far.
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    Thanks for that post! I actually really needed to read this because my nutritionist yesterday was stressing just how important strength training is in losing weight compared to cardio. I mean she was really, REALLY stressing it - because of the long term calorie burn. I was wondering if you have a good site or recommendations for beginners to find strength training programs.

    Or else then I am one of those without a plan and I end up wandering aimlessly to the cardio machines and never touch a dumbbell. But I want to incorporate both this time and see what I can do to lose these pesky 20 pounds and stop yo-yoing!

    If you're in a gym, there shoukd be a personal trainer around there somewhere. Some gyms offer a free sessions to start, if yours doesn't then pay for one. You'll thank me later ;). And you don't need a personal trainer for every gym session, just once every few weeks to show you how to use the weights properly and show you different exercises.

    Good luck!
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    Or what thefuzz says, there are programs out there designed for beginners. I've heard of the one he mentions, and people seem to like it :)
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
  • seekingstrengthX2
    Wonderful post!!!!!!!!!

  • violetness
    violetness Posts: 131 Member
    Awesome post (# 6 is my favorite. Like the phrase "Hey guys - watch this!" is the leading cause of most ER visits!). I am in month 2 of the Chalean Extreme program, which I LOVE. She really stresses form and the way the workout is designed, you should not plateau because it changes every month. I still have about 100 pounds to lose, but I have seen noticeable changes to my body already, and cannot wait to see whats under there once all the fat comes off!
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Every single point there is so true. And honestly anyone looking to start a beginners program.. Stronglifts 5x5. I am LOVING the results I'm seeing after just 2 weeks!

    Another thing I've learned is that overhead presses are a *****. :grumble:

    Great post, excellent advice.
  • kikih64
    kikih64 Posts: 349 Member
    Thank you for this. I've just recently joined a gym and had a session with a trainer - mostly just body weight exercises right now. I really want to get into heavier lifting and have been trying to find as much info as possible. I've seen people on here recommend the New Rules for Women, and 5X5. I only have 5 pounds to go, and need to add muscle. I'm starting sort of later in life, but am really committed and appreciate any advice I can find!
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    13. Cardio=weight loss, lifting=fat loss.

    I have reached my goal weight before (129 pounds, I'm 5'5.5" and "big" boned) and I wasn't happy with my body.
    I then gained it back (I'm a yo-yoer lol).
    The next time I wanted to lose I did P90X and got down to 132 and I LOVED my body! I still did a ton of cardio (which sometimes isn't the best when trying to retain muscle), but my 132 pound body was SMALLER than my 129 pound body!

    Just wanted to put that out there for all the ladies who slave on the treadmil, yes you will lose weight, but to hold onto the muscle you have, strength training is the key!
    MYLOV Posts: 17 Member
    Great info.
  • wdmom
    wdmom Posts: 24 Member
    Great advice. I need to try this. I've lost weight many times by cutting calories but I always gain it back. I just started using the treadmill again (have one at home so it's convenient). But I do need to do some strength training. I need to build some muscle to burn the calories later to prevent the yo-yo.

  • kcragg
    kcragg Posts: 239 Member
    Great post:) I really am getting into strength training, it is the best form of exercise for getting results. I have been pleasantly surprised.
  • DaveRCF
    DaveRCF Posts: 266
    Bookmarked for future referral. Outstanding.
  • Richdogg38
    Richdogg38 Posts: 152
    Agree with almost all of this. Great post.
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    great post ! I do the 5x5 plan, well my own version of it with a bit more legs and biceps thrown in ;)
  • Psyb3r
    Psyb3r Posts: 176 Member
    Bump. Thanks for the post!