Feeding Myself the DAY BEFORE a 15K?

Okay tomorrow I am running my first ever 15K! I am soo excited but it occured to me when I was entering mymeals for the day this morning besides carbo loading today I am not sure what to do. I try my best normally to stay within my calories and since I am not working out today then I only have 1380. I feel like I should eat a bit more if I can with some snacks or something today to give my body fuel for tomorrow. Does anyone have any experience or thoughts?

Also any thoughts on what I should eat tomorrow morning and when? The race starts at 8:30am.


  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    I used to eat a little extra on the carbs the night before, and a breakfast full of carbs the day of on any race day for swim team. Seemed to keep me fueled through out. Not so sure about a 15 k though! I would think you'd want to eat a little more than usual to begin with, but the macro-ratios, I have no idea!