No time like the present!

Hi. Another new user here, coming to you from Michigan.

I've needed to get in better shape for along time. I know, rationally, all the reasons: better health, lower blood pressure, more energy for the kids, better moods, sharper thinking, longer life... And my wife even told me she wanted me to join with her a few months ago. But I didn't. It was just too easy to find excuses not to: too tired, not enough time, it's not Monday--things should start on Mondays... Stupid stuff.

But those were just excuses, and pretty stupid ones. Because it really all comes down to making choices, right? I can choose to think I need that soda, or I can spare myself the ~240 Calories that will still be there 20 minutes later when the fizz is gone. I can choose to spend the next half hour reading pointless stuff on the web or I can go for a walk. I can choose to clean my plate when I go out or I can save half of it for another meal later.

I can choose to keep making excuses or I can make the changes I need to make to have a better life. Time to choose a better life! But my willpower can be pretty weak sometimes, so I'm looking forward to doing this in a community--I think it'll be a big help.