Need help..

Ok, I need some advice. I have been big most of my life and have always wanted to lose the weight. I have spells where I'm like YES I am going to do this finally and end up giving up within a couple of weeks because I had a bad day at work or family issues. I find comfort in food, its like a drug to me. I have lost some weight before and I felt great! But I always ended up gaining it all back. I have bounced back and forth so many times that my family doesnt even believe me anymore when I say i'm going to lose the weight, I dont even believe myself. I keep letting myself down meanwhile my cholesterol is high and my weight is the highest that it has ever been. I wish I could afford a nutritionist or a personal trainer to tell me what to do as far as what to eat or how to workout the right way, but i cant! I have a stressful job (sitting at a desk all day)..and I work a lot so its really hard to give110% when you are exhausted!!! I need some advice because I just don't know what to do. I can't be the only person dealing with this!:cry:


  • fallonn03
    Ok, I need some advice. I have been big most of my life and have always wanted to lose the weight. I have spells where I'm like YES I am going to do this finally and end up giving up within a couple of weeks because I had a bad day at work or family issues. I find comfort in food, its like a drug to me. I have lost some weight before and I felt great! But I always ended up gaining it all back. I have bounced back and forth so many times that my family doesnt even believe me anymore when I say i'm going to lose the weight, I dont even believe myself. I keep letting myself down meanwhile my cholesterol is high and my weight is the highest that it has ever been. I wish I could afford a nutritionist or a personal trainer to tell me what to do as far as what to eat or how to workout the right way, but i cant! I have a stressful job (sitting at a desk all day)..and I work a lot so its really hard to give110% when you are exhausted!!! I need some advice because I just don't know what to do. I can't be the only person dealing with this!:cry:
  • borjanap
    borjanap Posts: 232 Member
    I have done the same thing. Started and stopped, started and stopped. I have been working out for the past 8 months and I feel great. I have not lost much weight but I can see that my body has changed it's shape. I started using this site after thanksgiving and I have only lost a few pounds. But I am trying to make a lifestyle out of this and I am not trying to think of it as a diet. Maybe thats what you should try to do. Try to change your behavior. I know its one of the hardest things to do but it can be done!!! good luck sweetie and I know you can do it!!! :)
  • joann
    joann Posts: 624 Member
    of course you are not the only one feeling the same way. Probably 75% of overweight people have the same feelings. I have been over weight myself all my life dieting ever since I was 12 and still dieting at age 50. I have though been on a diet since Thanksgiving and have dropped almost 2 sizes. One thing I am not doing is weighing myself. I know that sounds dumb but atleast I dont get depressed and go off my diet when I do not lose weight. One thing that my husband and I are doing is not eating alot of beef. Maybe once a week we will have a burger on a whole wheat bun but thats it. We are also not going out to eat..which helps. We are also using smaller plates which look fuller but we are eating less. I hope some of this helps ...and you are defintely not alone:laugh: :smile: joann
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    No you are not alone by far. We all deal with a certain amount of these issues. I know I do:ohwell:

    You say you sit at a desk all day and it is difficult to get in exercise. Could you use one of those small bicycle pedal things that are meant to be under a desk ? I don't know how great they are but I have seen people use them before.

    You can do this. Plan out things and allow for a day off when you need one. If it is going to be long term you need those days off. I wouldn't suggest going overboard but allow yourself to enjoy a treat.

    I tend to eat when I am bored so make sure you have something to do. Read a book, take a walk something. You might try finding new ways to get in something that is relaxing so when you are stressed you won't want to delve into that bag of chips or chocolate bar.

    I hope that helps. I know I can't afford a nutritionist or trainer either but take one day at a time. You can do this. Find something that will keep you reminded of you goal. I went and bought some pants that are a size smaller than I wear as something to work for.
  • sparkychic
    sparkychic Posts: 9 Member
    Sweetie - believe me when I say you are not the only one feeling down about not sticking to the healthy side of life. I have been yoyoing for years. The last 2 1/2 weeks my whole family decided to live and eat healthy. We have done away with snacks in the house and fast food!!! It hasn't been easy especially since my kids haven't been raised eating this way, but it is easier when everyone is doing it together and I am not trying to eat right with junk food in the house. The true test will be this week when my period comes to visit. I am totally a binger. When we do go out to eat I look about what the calories are for specfic restaurants and decide what I am going to eat before I even get there. I also helps that my sister in law and her family have committed to the healthy side. I have someone to talk to about what I am eating during the day. I know it is hard working outside of the home and committing to eat right. You have to think about what you are going to eat that day and plan for it. I don't have enough money for a trainer or nutitionist, so I am on here looking for help and advise too. I said all that to say this - all you can do is try and try again!!!!
  • linda101162
    Please know that you are NOT alone!! Whether you are over weight, obease or morbily obease...we have all been there at one point or another. The question healthy are you?? We all at one time or another have to be honest...and you sound like you are at that point. One thing that you have to realize no longer matter who believes have to believe in yourself. A I know from experience that that becomes difficult after awhile... but you CAN do this!! There are alot of questions that you need to ask yourself too...just like i did.... why do you work so much?? Is it for things you need...or things you want. If it is for things you want...what do you want more?? Do you use work to hide from real life?? Like I did??? That was a big thing for me to come to grips with. I have now learned to work to live...not live to work....I have gone from working 64-72 hours a week to just 36-44 hours a week... learned to live without a few things like eating out that i really didn't need.... and spend the extra time on ME!! Going to the gym.... hanging out here..... watching a movie with my hubby once a week... And I also consulted a professional to see WHY I ate like I did.... what was I using food as a substitue for?? I have to tell was a painful...but very freeing experience!! AND NOW I ALSO EAT TO LIVE...NOT LIVE TO EAT!! Please feel free to email me if you would like to talk more...but know that everyone here supports you!! And has faith in you!! Even when you don't believe in yourself....we believe in you!! God Bless and go for it!! Linda
  • joejonjake
    I have been overweight for most of my adult life. I have tried everything to lose weight and nothing worked. About 5 weeks ago a coworker approached me and said she would be my personal trainer(for free). We work out Mon, Weds and Fri at 5:30 am. When she told me that was when we were going to workout I thought she was CRAZY. I had a hard time getting to work on time let alone get up and working out! But, I have been getting up, going to the gym AND I have lost about 6lbs. I am very suprised at how I feel. I have so much more energy throughout the day. Before it was so easy to say I am going to go workout and not go but, when you have someone waiting there you have to go. It has been GREAT for me.
  • fallonn03
    Thank you all so much for all the great advice and support. I really appreciate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wink: