Quitting Smoking



  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    This morning I decided to quit. I just threw away my pack. I'm very nervous about being a non smoker, I have identied with it for so long! Any tips, success, support would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance :) I do not think this is going to be an easy journey for me.

    Stay busy and change everything up. Drive a different route, get gas somewhere else, hang out with nonsmokers and focus on something else entirely even if it's cooking or a hobby. The first time I quit, I went Vegan and that kept me completely occupied, I did well for 2 years until my SO brought cigars in then I was addicted to those until a year and a half ago. I started this lifestyle change and focussed on getting healthy. I quit 2 weeks before we took a 7 day cruise, by the time we got back, I was ready to be done forever.
  • abnerner
    abnerner Posts: 452 Member
    I quit smoking on November 4, 2009, I smoked for about 5-6 years. I quit basically cold turkey ( i used the gum for about a day before I realized how icky it was ) after my boss's dad passed away from lung cancer, having NEVER even smoking a cigarette.

    I suggest having a strong support system and also removing any lighter you have from your grasp. I broke down and bought a pack one day soon after I quit but had no lighter and didn't realize i had no lighter until I drove away from the store, so I threw the cigarettes out the window instead.

    Good luck! if you need support, add me!
  • Missy169
    Missy169 Posts: 18
    I am at week 9 of smoke free, I smoked for 25 years and just right before Christmas I decided that smoking was hindering me from exercising and with not being able to exercise the way I wanted to was preventing me from losing weight and achieving my goal so I picked a date to quit and I did, I removed all items that reminded me of smoking, made my home and car smoke free, explained to my loved ones & friends that I was done smoking & if they need to smoke they would have to go outside to smoke and respect my wishes, I then went on a cleaning spree to get rid of all the smoke smell out of my home & car and well it has been working for me, just knowing I can breath better, my home smell good now, and that I am some much healthier keeps me going, I never knew after 25 years of smoking that I could say I bet that demon I am smoke free !!!!
  • stephkyp
    stephkyp Posts: 12
  • KellyKAG
    KellyKAG Posts: 418
    I quit 1 year and 2 months ago. I smoked for about 17 years a pack and a half a day. It was the hardest thing I've ever done and now when I think about it I cant believe I smoked for as long as I did. Quitting was the best thing I have ever done.

    When your cravings hit (and they will) just remind yourself it will pass. Regardless of how bad your cravings are they pass and then they happen less often until you forgot to want a cig. I also have a co-worker who sits right next to me who has a nasty smoker's cough. Listening to her hack reminds me everyday why I quit. I also had no idea I smelled so bad for so long. That smoke smell on your clothes, in your hair, your car are all so bad. I love that I smell good and am not embarrassed when I meet one of my kids friend's parents and wondering if they can smell the smoke on me.

    Good luck to you. I hope you stay strong. It is hard but it gets easier. :flowerforyou:
  • jocelynna
    jocelynna Posts: 137 Member
    Congratulations on taking that huge first step! I quit smoking 2-1/2 years ago. I hung this on my mirror so that I could remind myself everyday why it was a good decision:

    20 MINUTES
    Blood pressure drops to normal
    Pulse rate drops to normal
    Body temperature of hands and feet increases to normal

    8 HOURS
    Carbon monoxide level in blood drops to normal
    Oxygen level in blood increases to normal

    24 HOURS
    Chance of heart attack decreases

    48 HOURS
    Nerve endings start regrowing
    Ability to smell and taste is enhanced

    Circulation improves
    Walking becomes easier
    Lung function increases up to 30 percent

    1 TO 9 MONTHS
    Coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue, and shortness of breath decrease
    Cilia regrow in lungs, increasing their ability to handle mucus, clean the lungs, and reduce infection
    Body's overall energy increases

    1 YEAR
    Excess risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a smoker

    5 YEARS
    Lung cancer death rate for an average former smoker (one pack a day) decreases by almost half
    Stroke risk is reduced to that of a non-smoker five to 15 years after quitting
    Risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, and esophagus is half that of a smoker's

    10 YEARS
    Lung cancer death rate is similar to that of a non-smoker
    Precancerous cells are replaced
    Risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney, cervix, and pancreas decreases

    15 YEARS
    Risk of coronary heart disease is that of a non-smoker
  • Yellerie
    Yellerie Posts: 221 Member
    Good for you that is a good step in the right direction. I quit cold turkey May 1, 1998 I like you woke up one morning & decided that was it. I convinced myself that it is mind over matter & everytime I wanted a cigarette I asked my self why or how will it make the situation better & of course it wouldn't so i would find something else to do if you can knit or if you like to draw or any activity that can keep your hands busy will be helpful. I know alot of people say lolipops but because of my weight battle I didn't want the exta calories & weird as this may sound stared using coffee stirrers when I had my coffee it somehow took the place of the cigarette when I missed it the most. Good Luck
  • kammy92
    kammy92 Posts: 408 Member
    I smoked from age 13 till 37, a pack a day! !! Take it one day at a time! It will eventually get easier! 99% of my friends smoke .....when I'm around it now it doesn't bother me......Just hate the smell of myclothes! !! Smells like an ashtray!! Good luck!!! Like I said,it will get easier!!
  • brismom070897
    brismom070897 Posts: 178 Member
  • nisey4999
    Yeah!!! You just made the best decision of your life. I quit 5 years ago. The physical addication will last 72 hours. That's it. You will be grumpy stressed anxious. Just generally crazy. I think I even mourned the loss of my cigs. But after 72hrs, things will get a little easier. Then new habits are formed/replaced in 28 days. Then things get a lot easier. U can do this. Extra gum helped me a lot sugar free and mint if menthol smoker as well as mint tictacs. Just remember, our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is to keep trying. And as cliche as it is, take it one day, one hour, sometimes one minute at a time. YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • cushygal
    cushygal Posts: 586 Member
    This morning I decided to quit. I just threw away my pack. I'm very nervous about being a non smoker, I have identied with it for so long! Any tips, success, support would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance :) I do not think this is going to be an easy journey for me.

    First off, I want to say congrats on taking the first step - that one is the hardest.

    I have been smoke free for 6 years and haven't looked back. I smoked for 25 years and dearly loved it, but I always said I would quit at 35(cut off when on the pill) but 35 came and went, and so did 36 - but 3 months before my 37 b'day I had my last smoke - so it took me 2 years to commit, but I did it cold turkey. I was also doing the weight loss journey and had lost 40 pounds when I quit - I kept that off for 6 months and really thought I had it under control, but then I gained back that 40 - but it was truly from over-eating and not exercising.

    Today I have that 40 plus 6 more off thru eating right and running.

    You just need to find what works for you and stick with it. I wish you all the best in your new smoke free/healthy life :happy:

    Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I quit cold turkey after 15 years. Just remember that every day you stick with it, it gets easier and easier. Chug some water and chew some gum, but don't give in! You can do this and you will change your life. Good for you! I wish you all the best. :drinker:
  • karisamh
    karisamh Posts: 25 Member
    I QUIT 6 YEARS AGO!! I had smoked 1 -2 packs a day for 16 years!!! I went and had the cold laser therapy, it cost about $170. I had no headaches, no cranky, no stomach achs nothing. The next day I even stood around people who were smoking and was fine. Haven't picked one up since! You can do it!!!!! You will need to find something to do though, whenever you think you want one do something else :)
  • OliveJuice1984
    I had smoked for 11 years. I quit on 1/17 of this year. I quit cold turkey. I will say thought that I started quitting on New Years Day. I was doing well then slipped up and had one. Then that one turned into two packs. On 1/17 I started quitting again and I haven't stopped since!

    What worked for me is to not beat yourself if you laps on one smoke but don't make an excuse and say "oh well I had one I might as well finish the pack." It's a minute by minute battle the first few weeks but I PROMISE it gets better. I used flavored gum (regular gum not nicorete) to substitute for a smoke. I became a gum chewing freak. I thought I would become this person that always chewed gum but I bairly chew it now.

    Another thing that helped me was to keep reminding myself that a craving will take place every 20 minutes and last for 5 minutes. If you can make it through that 5 minutes you can do it! Just focus on the 5 minutes not the whole day or the rest of your life. About three weeks into quitting I noticed that I really wasn't thinking about it as much as I used to. Now 8 weeks into it I might have a split second of thinking about it if I see someone light up but I just look away and toss the thought out of my mind.

    It also helped that I have stayed away from smoking friends. And it was a very nice surprise to find out that my husband decided to quit smoking too! I wish you the very very best of luck and you are not alone! If you'd like to add me as a friend I'd love to support you on your journey. Take care!
  • nettg40
    nettg40 Posts: 49 Member
    Good luck on your journey. I am also a recent non-smoker also however I couldn't do it without support and used Chantix.
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    I stopped smoking about [thinks about it] 7 years ago. I had been prescribed NRT patches, but after the second day, couldn't be bothered with them.

    Drink lots of iced water. Much better than gum or cookies.

    It's not so bad as they make out. The hardest part is having to deal with the uncomfortable feelings you used to distract from by going outside and lighting up.
  • Stormyyy
    Stormyyy Posts: 247 Member
    www.nosmokingforum.co.uk. Was a lifesaver when i quit 9 and a half months ago. The support there is amazing, you log in each day, each hour or even minute and log ur feelings and have like minded people there who understand every up and down u r going through. Best advice i can give you....Good luck, i hope u stay quit but remember if u have a few mishaps along the way it's the trying that counts cause one of them tries and you will succeed!!!

    Oh not to mention sucking on straws, keeping raw carrots and cucumber in sticks in the fridge to crunch and nibble on and i always had a packet of chocolate limes around me in the first 3 months which of course, led me to here :D:laugh:
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Great job taking the first step! I quit cold turkey about 4 years ago. If I wanted a cigarette, I just thought to myself "this tiny little thing is not going to control my life anymore". I had to realize that as a smoker, I spent my whole day thinking about smoking - when to have one, when not to have one, do I smell like smoke?, do I have enough packs or should I stop at the store?, do I have enough money for another pack?, will there be smoking at this place or that? It just finally got to be too much. Life is so much better now - I can breathe, I'm healthy, and I never want to go back :)

    You CAN do this!!!!
  • sandradaisy
    Good for you I am in the middleof it myself, my husband quit Jan 1st and I quit Jan 9th. So today its been 2 months for me. I cheated one time, felt like ****. This is not our first attempt so we are trying really hard, we both used the patch for a while it takes the edge off. Stay strong and remember a craving only lasts a few minutes.
  • iwold
    iwold Posts: 1
    Congrats to all who managed to quit! I just joined today..and my next step is to quit smoking also. I have smoked for 30 years, and I know it will be hard, I have tried many times before. I am hoping I have the will power to follow thru this time!! Hoping tomorrow will be Day 1 for me....maybe we can do it together!! Good luck!!