Upped my calorie goal - Doing the right thing?

I've been reading many many posts lately about people stalling out because they are eating too few calories. I've been stalled for quite a few weeks now and decided that it's time to try a change. Previously I had my MFP goals set to lose 1 lb per week, activity level set to sedintary, then I would eat back most or all of my exercise calories most of the time. MFP was giving me a calorie goal (before exercise) of 1370. I figured there is no way I was under-eating because most days I felt full enough. I was/am frustrated and decided to try something different.

I checked a few sites to find my BMR. It ranged anywhere from 1440 to 1550. Then I went to the site below and plugged in my stats to find my TDEE.


The calculator gave me 1809 at my current weight. Take 15% off that for weight loss and you get 1537. I set my new MFP calorie goal to 1500 with macros set to 40/30/30.

This seems like the right thing to do when I research the posts, but was I *really* eating too little? At this new level, from what I understand the 1500 is what I should net. It seems like this would slow me down, but seeing as I'm not getting anywhere I figured it's worth a shot. Am I trying the right thing?


  • ChunkySpice
    ChunkySpice Posts: 12 Member
    I went to that site for the same reason and it gave me 2326. Taking off the 15% brings me to 1979, which sounds like way too many calories for a 5'2 woman who only exercises 3x/wk. All of this stuff confuses me. Lol.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    I've been reading many many posts lately about people stalling out because they are eating too few calories. I've been stalled for quite a few weeks now and decided that it's time to try a change. Previously I had my MFP goals set to lose 1 lb per week, activity level set to sedintary, then I would eat back most or all of my exercise calories most of the time. MFP was giving me a calorie goal (before exercise) of 1370. I figured there is no way I was under-eating because most days I felt full enough. I was/am frustrated and decided to try something different.

    I checked a few sites to find my BMR. It ranged anywhere from 1440 to 1550. Then I went to the site below and plugged in my stats to find my TDEE.


    The calculator gave me 1809 at my current weight. Take 15% off that for weight loss and you get 1537. I set my new MFP calorie goal to 1500 with macros set to 40/30/30.

    This seems like the right thing to do when I research the posts, but was I *really* eating too little? At this new level, from what I understand the 1500 is what I should net. It seems like this would slow me down, but seeing as I'm not getting anywhere I figured it's worth a shot. Am I trying the right thing?

    yes :)
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    Yep. And you get to eat more!!!!!
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    I just don't understand how eating more calories will make you lose weight. I guess I'm never going to understand it.
  • Tandi_S
    Tandi_S Posts: 439 Member
    It does seem counter-intuitive, especially since I was eating over 1200 every day. It sure seems like I was eating enough.

    I just needed a bit of assurance that I wasn't going to sabotage myself with this move...

    Thanks for the replies!

    Edited for typos....
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    YES! Definitnely the right thing!! Even a small boost can jumpstart your metabolism again! :)
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    I just don't understand how eating more calories will make you lose weight. I guess I'm never going to understand it.

    Nobody is saying eat more than a normal person's intake, just eat at a little more than your BMR.

    Ideal fat loss is achieved eating between your BMR and TDEE.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I just don't understand how eating more calories will make you lose weight. I guess I'm never going to understand it.

    Simply put; food is fuel. And if you don't have enough of it, your body will slow down to conserve.

    So read up

  • slblakeman
    slblakeman Posts: 2 Member
    I think it's different for everyone. I don't lose when I eat more than 1200.
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    I went to that site for the same reason and it gave me 2326. Taking off the 15% brings me to 1979, which sounds like way too many calories for a 5'2 woman who only exercises 3x/wk. All of this stuff confuses me. Lol.

    I eat 1920 and am 5'3.5" who only exercises 3 or 4 times a week.... I seem to be losing just fine (other than when I eat horribly and it is TOM) :wink:
  • karadawn14
    I just did the same thing and have lost about 1.5 lbs this week! I was beyond stoked, so... try it! Even better, you get to eat more.
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    I've been reading many many posts lately about people stalling out because they are eating too few calories. I've been stalled for quite a few weeks now and decided that it's time to try a change. Previously I had my MFP goals set to lose 1 lb per week, activity level set to sedintary, then I would eat back most or all of my exercise calories most of the time. MFP was giving me a calorie goal (before exercise) of 1370. I figured there is no way I was under-eating because most days I felt full enough. I was/am frustrated and decided to try something different.

    I checked a few sites to find my BMR. It ranged anywhere from 1440 to 1550. Then I went to the site below and plugged in my stats to find my TDEE.


    The calculator gave me 1809 at my current weight. Take 15% off that for weight loss and you get 1537. I set my new MFP calorie goal to 1500 with macros set to 40/30/30.

    This seems like the right thing to do when I research the posts, but was I *really* eating too little? At this new level, from what I understand the 1500 is what I should net. It seems like this would slow me down, but seeing as I'm not getting anywhere I figured it's worth a shot. Am I trying the right thing?

    It depends on what your exercise routine is like. Eating more calories is typically aimed at people that eat 1200 calories a day and exercise 1000 of it off.
  • roadworthy
    roadworthy Posts: 130
    I just recently did the same thing. I was on 1200 for a bit but some days I was burning 800+ calories. I was finding that at times I really didn't have any energy. I would like to be able to continue with my workouts as I am beginning to become somewhat addicted to activity! I bought an HRM and I think that was the difference. Since then, maybe because I am burning more than when I was using MFP calories burned, I am needing the extra food. The last thing I want to do is become so tired that I can't continue or get sick. Feel free to add me as a friend and we can see how this works for both of us.
  • caroldot
    caroldot Posts: 388 Member
    I did the exact same thing today! Hoping I'm doing the right thing but I've been slow to start and honestly been on this journey since January. Admittedly I have not been consistents with workouts but it seems every time I take a step forward, then I take a couple steps back. So I was concerned that my body was conserving because even though I may go days without exercising, I would still stay under or right at my calorie range and just haven't been seeing results. Good luck!
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 894 Member
    It does seem counter-intuitive, especially since I was eating over 1200 every day. It sure seems like I was eating enough.

    I just needed a bit of assurance that I wasn't going to sabotage myself with this move...

    Thanks for the replies!

    Edited for typos....

    I was also skeptical. I was stuck at the same weight for about 3 weeks, and decided to do the same thing. I am 5'1" and was eating 1200/day plus 50-75% of exercise cals. i cautiously upped my cals to 1400 plus exercise cals, and i feel better having a 1200-1400 target, i have more energy, it has allowed me to eat more protein each day and not go over my cals ( i kept most of my other eating habits the same) and I am now ready to go up to 1500 or so. I currently only work out 3x week, but fairly vigorously. (Cardio kickboxing, etc)
    It works! More fuel for my body! woohoo! I am down 5 lbs in 3 weeks or so after being stuck for a few weeks. My best advice is to just give it a shot, at least 2 weeks to see how your body will respond. Good luck! :)
    edited to add: current weight is 154.2 (in case anyone was wondering)
  • caroldot
    caroldot Posts: 388 Member
    It does seem counter-intuitive, especially since I was eating over 1200 every day. It sure seems like I was eating enough.

    I just needed a bit of assurance that I wasn't going to sabotage myself with this move...

    Thanks for the replies!

    Edited for typos....

    I was also skeptical. I was stuck at the same weight for about 3 weeks, and decided to do the same thing. I am 5'1" and was eating 1200/day plus 50-75% of exercise cals. i cautiously upped my cals to 1400 plus exercise cals, and i feel better having a 1200-1400 target, i have more energy, it has allowed me to eat more protein each day and not go over my cals ( i kept most of my other eating habits the same) and I am now ready to go up to 1500 or so. I currently only work out 3x week, but fairly vigorously. (Cardio kickboxing, etc)
    It works! More fuel for my body! woohoo! I am down 5 lbs in 3 weeks or so after being stuck for a few weeks. My best advice is to just give it a shot, at least 2 weeks to see how your body will respond. Good luck! :)
    edited to add: current weight is 154.2 (in case anyone was wondering)

    Thanks for this info! I'm basically same height range and weight as you (5' 4" and 149 lbs). I also only work out 3x week but vigourously (spin class, bootcamp). So this makes me feel more positive about my decision to up my cals!
  • allynady
    allynady Posts: 59 Member
    I did the same thing today. I aim to eat 1400-1500 cals + exercise cals and see how it works.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I've been reading many many posts lately about people stalling out because they are eating too few calories. I've been stalled for quite a few weeks now and decided that it's time to try a change. Previously I had my MFP goals set to lose 1 lb per week, activity level set to sedintary, then I would eat back most or all of my exercise calories most of the time. MFP was giving me a calorie goal (before exercise) of 1370. I figured there is no way I was under-eating because most days I felt full enough. I was/am frustrated and decided to try something different.

    I checked a few sites to find my BMR. It ranged anywhere from 1440 to 1550. Then I went to the site below and plugged in my stats to find my TDEE.


    The calculator gave me 1809 at my current weight. Take 15% off that for weight loss and you get 1537. I set my new MFP calorie goal to 1500 with macros set to 40/30/30.

    This seems like the right thing to do when I research the posts, but was I *really* eating too little? At this new level, from what I understand the 1500 is what I should net. It seems like this would slow me down, but seeing as I'm not getting anywhere I figured it's worth a shot. Am I trying the right thing?

    It depends on what your exercise routine is like. Eating more calories is typically aimed at people that eat 1200 calories a day and exercise 1000 of it off.

    yea, that isn't true. My wife is 5'2" and 130 lbs and she even eats 1350 calories a day without exercise. So unless you are 4'11 and don't exercise, then a body needs more than 1200 calories.
  • _Kitten_Kate
    _Kitten_Kate Posts: 520 Member
    It does seem counter-intuitive, especially since I was eating over 1200 every day. It sure seems like I was eating enough.

    I just needed a bit of assurance that I wasn't going to sabotage myself with this move...

    Thanks for the replies!

    Edited for typos....

    @ 1200 cals your metabolism slowed down...
    Going up and eating 1500, you won't immediately start losing... your body has to adjust. Your Metabolism has to adjust... you may go up and down in lbs for a week or two but then it'll level out and you'll be on the right track. I've read that if you eat a little above your BMR... by 200-300 cals that you don't have to worry about eating back calories... it just levels out from the days that you work out and the days that you don't. You may have to tweak things along the way to figure out where your metabolism really is... because the # you got is just from your equation and your actual # could be very different from that.
    Have a lil patience.
    I have done the same thing recently... And am still tweaking here and there.... Along with trying to eat Primal method.
    Best of luck to you.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I think it's different for everyone. I don't lose when I eat more than 1200.

    I 100% guarantee I could make you lose on more than 1200 calories a day. People aren't as different as you think. Every person follows the concept for weight loss of calories in calories out. There are just minor variables that you have to adjust (thyroid issues, intolerance to carbs, gluten allergies, etc..).