Calories burned on HRM vs Gym Machines..

Ok, so i just got my HRM today and was so excited use it and see how close the numbers were of the calories i burn on the gym machines. i knew it would be different but i didn't expect for it to be such a big difference.
I worked out on the treadmill as i always do for 65 min. i walk at a fast pace on an incline and normally burn around 800 calories.
today i worked out as usual and the gym machine said i burned 865 calories while my heart rate monitor told me i burned 600 calories. thats a difference of 265 calories. that seems like it's to big of a difference, i was expecting a little around 100 but not 200+ difference. i work really hard so im a little dissapointed to know how little i burned esp since for the last 5 weeks i was going based on what the machines told me.
i know neither are actually exact but im sure the HRM is a little closer to being acurate. what do you guys think? dose it sound right that there is a 260 calorie difference?


  • No HRM is ever going to be exact. I always go with what my HRM says though. The HRM is set up to your height, weight, age, to YOUR body...the machines only have sensors. And, say for instance, the elliptical always says I burn MORE than my HRM while the treadmill always says I burn less. We will never know 100% sure what we are burning, so I just go with the best source, my HRM. :) Hope this helps!!