Looking for some friends!

Hello all! I am new to the fitness pal world. I would like to join the community and find some new friends. I found this great app from a facebook freind. I thought I would try it out. Here is a little about me. I am not too overweight, I am severly out of shape. I have weighed 135 my entire life. I smoke and like my beer. In the last year because of my bad habits, I have gained 20 pounds. I am 35 and have two kids. I am a self made chef and love to cook. I am currently writing a cook book or at least trying to. Maybe I can add in some recipes that do not consist of butter, heavy cream and bacon. I work from home and spend most of my day sitting at the computer. My husband recently booked a trip to Disney World and I would like to get in shape before we go in May. This is what I have done to accomplish this. 8 days ago I quit smoking ( I struggle with it every day, I have smoked since I was 16 ). I also quit drinking and started to watch what I eat. I would like to lose those 20 pounds and fit back into my favorite jeans. When I gain weight it goes straight to my stomach and thighs UGH! What Finally gave me the drive to do this is when a little girl in church asked me if I was pregnant. "Yikes"!!! I am also trying to walk or go to the gym once a day. I would love to meet some new friends!


  • rbn_held
    rbn_held Posts: 682 Member
    You have difinately joined the right site, it has been so helpful for me. I have figured out that the only way for me to lose weight is to track calories and it is so easy to do on MFP. Good luck on your journey. You can add me if you would like.
  • Janice032557
    Janice032557 Posts: 163 Member
    rbn_held is right, this is a great site for motivation and help with weight loss. Welcome and good luck with your weight loss. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    Compared to quitting smoking loosing weight and getting in shape is easy.
    To get in shape all you have to do is walk! It is that easy.
    It will flatten your tummy and cheer up your attitude.
    Good luck to you.
  • Mike3374
    Mike3374 Posts: 3
    Sounds like you have a good start going. I was told by a co-worker to walk at least 30 minutes a day and it will change your life! So I started that along with this site to help me keep track of my daily calories, and it's been very helpful. The big challenge I have is down time in the evening so that is when I plan my daily walk. I set a goal of losing 20 pounds 6 weeks ago before our family trip to Disney on 3/15, and I'm happy to say I hit my goal with one week to spare!! Good luck and welcome to myfitnesspal!!
  • farmboyphotography
    farmboyphotography Posts: 181 Member
    MFP is a great place to interact with people on a similar journey. I hope you find all the motivation you need here! Anybody here can add me - the more the merrier!

    I can relate to your aspiration to ge fit before your trip to Disneyland. I have a class reunion this August and I haven't seen a single person in my graduation class since the day I got that diploma. I don't want to be the "out of shape" guy everybody murmurs about.

    Good luck. I hope you kick butt and take names!!!
  • mb8963
    mb8963 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi there, I'm in a similar situation. I weighed 125 all my life but in the last two years I've put on 20 pounds! I'd love to lose about 15 pounds before June. I have a wedding to attend where I'll see a bunch of people I haven't seen in several years. It's great to have a goal, keeps me motivated. I just joined myfitnesspal and I'll add you as a friend, maybe we can cheer each other on. I need friends too!
  • mommyrox05
    mommyrox05 Posts: 238
    Hey Girl,
    I am 31 and have 5 kids, I started this journey at the highest weight I have been in my life (198lbs) aside from at the very end of my last pregnancy. I was always between 125-130 (before and between my fist 2 kids and then never lost it all after my 3rd) ...but put on the pounds due to bad habbits and always putting myself last. Never the less, I decided a little less than a year ago that it was time to take back my life for me...to get healthy and get in shape again, and teach my kids good habbits. I successfully reached my goal weight of 135 about 3 months ago, and now bounce between 130 and 133 with the love and support of my family and my MFP family. So with motivation, that it looks like you have...you will reach your goals in no time. Feel free to add me if you like. Have an amazing day! :flowerforyou:
  • butttrffly
    Thanks you guys! I feel better already! My username on my ipad and iphone are different. I will change them both to this one tomorrow since I log all my food with my phone. I feel inspired that others have had the battle with nicotine. I actually found a full pack in my kitchen today. It was a 15 minute battle to throw them away or to smoke just one. I ended up crushing them all in my hands and throwing them away. YAY ME!! This is a harder battle then walking everday for me. Today I gave up the electronic cigarettes and am going cold turkey. WIsh me luck. I appreciate the support.