around 200 pounds to lose , could use some inspiration



  • Bighank7752
    I'm here also. I have lost over 300 lbs, so it can be done. Work hard and change your life. It is a great ride.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    You can certainly do it.It just takes a little focus, a little patience (well, realistically, a lot of patience), and some determination. If you feel any of that flagging, look back to your first post in this thread, and remember why you're doing this. You're doing it for you. You're doing it for your child.

    Give yourself a month or two. Keep at it. And you'll soon start to feel the difference in yourself. You'll feel fitter. You'll be able to play properly with your child. You'll feel like you're doing something right for yourself and your child.

    Losing weight remains the best thing I've done for myself in my adult life. I still have a way to go. I've stumbled along the way, taken breaks, gained and lost again. But the one thing I do know is I'll never, ever go back to being the way I was before I started losing weight. Never. Because I know how much better this feels.