Help and advice welcomed


I'm a "getting on a bit" bloke who has managed to get down from 195 to around 160 pounds using a combination of exercise and calorie counting. I've generally stuck to a 1200 calorie intake and done as much exercise as I can manage ( due to injuries ). I now seem to be stuck at my current weight and despite all efforts can't seem to get down below 160 pounds. My target is 150 pounds, I weighed 140 up to age 40 and believe I can get to within 10 pounds of that weight. My wife reckons I need to increase my calorie intake and up my food ( BMR is 1550 ) but when I try this, up goes the weight again. Any suggestions will be gratefully ingested and tried.


  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    I agree with the wife. Inc your cals for a few days to get your metabollism going again and to let your body know it isnt going through a period of famine. Change up your exercise routine also, shock the body.
  • smujsmith
    smujsmith Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks both of you for your replies. I suspect that the combination of increasing the intake and varying the exercise may well get the old metabolism moving again. I'm going to give it a try and see where it leads. Thanks again.
