odd shift workers

Does anyone out there have tips for those of us who dont work 9am-5pm? I am a nurse. I work 3p-11p tend to stay up later at night trying to wind down when i get home. A typical day for me starts at noon when i get up(yes i know not everyone starts a day at this time, wait til i tell you the rest of the schedule then you will understand), spend the next 2 hours getting breakfast(which i used to never eat) I am watching my calorie intake and going low fat low cal, getting ready for my job. I am at work at 3, by 4 or 5 i am grabbing a snack of fruit or veggie of some kind, mostly apples with about 2tbsp of whipped peanut butter then by 8pm im having my "lunch" another proportionate size meal low cal low fat meal. By 9 im doing at leat 3-4 laps around the building in which i work which takes like 30 mins or so 10 mins a lap pretty much, then home and by midnight my last meal of the night usually a sandwich of some kind. I stay within 1500 -1800 cals a day. Also im usually up til between 3 and 4am attempting to wind down by reading or catching up on fave shows that i didnt get to watch when they premiered on tv. I have done this for 2 weeks and according to the scale i have lost weight so the no late night snacking thing doesnt really apply unless its on a weekend then im home and have to really watch myself with meals and snacks.
Im sure someone could give me some tips on everything from varying meals to exercise. Any and all tips are welcome
I wish everyone great success and I am so glad one of my patients who is also a good friend turned me onto this site.