Last MInute Invitations....

JustLindaLou Posts: 376 Member
Ok I gotta post this rant here on MFP instead of FB where my RL friends - including the one who has me horked off - exist.... I have one friend who cannot seem to give me an advance invite for ANYTHING and then complains we don't spend enough time together... I am a single mom who works full-time, I kinda need more than 15 minutes' notice to go to dinner, etc...

For example, she has known for how long her SIL is coming this weekend? I also know and like her SIL and would love to see her.... So I get a text at 6:15 tonight, when I am already putting dinner on the plates, asking if I am coming to dinner???? WTF???

If it's really important for you to see me or you really want me to come over for dinner, maybe at least contact me in the morning??? Early afternoon??? Already into the dinner hour tells me I am merely an afterthought.... and you think I am so pathetic that I am probably not even feeding myself and my child because I am waiting for an invitation...

Just had to vent.... I'm over it now.


  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    Very inconsiderate!
  • janac777
    janac777 Posts: 22 Member
    ok im probable knowing who this is..... and i say how rude!! and i agree that u r an afterthought if it is after 6 and u r getting invited. prob the sil said is linda coming and she said o let me invite her.... duh!!!! well i love you and would never do such a thing :)
  • 2kidsandadonut
    2kidsandadonut Posts: 140 Member
    I'm sorry that happened to you. I have a friend who always calls me to go out and do something and I get a babysitter and get ready and am all pumped up to go and then she flakes on me. EVERY TIME! And then she will call me the next day apologizing and swearing she won't do it again only for it to happen over and over! I get your frustration changing plans last minute is very inconsiderate especially if you are losing money or time because of someone else's rudeness.
  • Bikini_Bound150
    Bikini_Bound150 Posts: 461 Member
    Ahhhh I swear we know the exact same person! She makes me want to rip my hair out!
    The crappy part is that she complains that I don't make time for myself (meaning with her) because I take care of my 16 year old sister and I'm not just gonna go out till 2am on a week night and leave her alone when this "FRIEND" has two SMALL children of her own that are at home with their grandma!

    I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    <.< >.> Sorry about that.....
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    If she asks "where are you, i thought you were coming to dinner" you should respond something like "oh, you never let me know about it." She may get so excited and be so spontaneous that she forgets to invite people, she just assumes they can do something. I've followed my advice before, and I most often get a response back like "of course you're invited" to which I say, "next time, can you tell me so I know ahead of time?"

    If she calls and wants to do things like right away, just tell her, "I can't, but if you're going to do something soon, give me a head's up so I can find a sitter, etc."

    It's hard because after a while, if a person turns down your invites, you tend not to invite them. But they have to give you warning.