Lost motivation



  • sailorsiren13
    Oh Forest I understand and have days that go by where i stuff my face and beat myself up. You have come so far and have helped me so much to stop now. Take it one minute at a time if you have too baby steps. Take a before pic and put it on the fridge if that will help. I'm here if you need me you can msg me to vent if you want.
  • forest0spirit555
    forest0spirit555 Posts: 164 Member
    What happend on that bad day.... It is really hard sometimes. I for one get a lot of pleasure out of eating, it's one of my favorite things so I know a little of what you are feeling. I used to eat a whole bag of chips or chocolates while reading. I lived the old pringles saying "you can never eat just one)

    You say you were doing great before this one day, well you can do great again. Last thing you want to do is berate yourself the way you have been doing. We ALL fall off the wagon at one time or another. DON'T beat yourself up. And I know the feeling well. I finally realized with the help of my sister that I had to stop dumping on myself and eating everthing in sight because of "it doesn't matter, I already blew it already" attitude I had There is a reason that food is so good, and so tough to moderate, if it weren't we wouldn't be around very long so don't be ashamed. Do what you are doing right now, there are a ton of folks here to lean on. I can only hope that I am brave enough to ask for help like you are when I fall again, which I am sure sometime I will..no one is perfect.

    Back back on he horse and follow the suggestions you have received that best meets your needs.

    Wow, your comments were so nice. Thank you. It is true I am only human. I just want to prove that I can do this for myself. I can and I will. TY.
  • forest0spirit555
    forest0spirit555 Posts: 164 Member
    24lbs!! You have come WAAAY to far to slip now! When I feel snacky I was dishes... hahah its a good way to remind me that I dont want to eat cus it makes more dishes!

    Now back to you... Seriously, you are over halfway there... all those sore days after the gym.. that wonderful feeling when you button your jeans without having to suck it waaaaay in.... OWN THAT!!

    Tomorrow is another day, get back up on that horse and ride off into the sunset! You know how to do this.... left foot right foot left foot right foot.... one in front of the other..

    Haha I love your comment on the dishes. LOL. I will own it. Your right. I have come a long way.
  • skcornett
    skcornett Posts: 169 Member
    We all have days and sometimes weeks where we just surrender. But let's get you back on track....what brought you to this site the first time? What was it that made you say "I'm going to change things in my life"?

    I've had to hit the reset button on a couple of different occasions, but I did. I asked myself what was so good about whatever I was eating that I was willing to sacrifice all of my hard work. The answer was nothing. Besides, I'm getting rid of my "fat" clothes as I go, so I have no choice but to keep moving forward.

    Hang in there!
  • tennisfan01
    I try to log in everthing I eat, no matter if I go over the recommended caloires. Sometimes it helps me to realize how much I ate and gets me back on track. Being held accountable can go a long way.

    You have been doing great, forget this bump in the road, and get back to that healthy place!
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    Someone on here said something like...

    If you quit, you've definitely failed.

    So basically you need to pull yourself up and get back on. If you don't, then you've lost. Until then, it's just a setback.
  • Maria_81
    Maria_81 Posts: 152
    Of course this is a common occurrence when you're trying to lose weight. Its hard staying focused when there are so many temptations around. The main thing to keep in mind is its OK to fall down because its going to happen at some point. Just don't stay down too long because its harder to get back on track. Even if all you're doing is dialoguing with other people here that helps until you're mentally ready to start your regime again. So don't be hard on yourself, negative thinking won't help you reach your goals.