Starting the 30 day shred! Anyone else just start?



  • wwww1199
    wwww1199 Posts: 228 Member
    I started...I stopped....started again....then stopped. I need to be consistant! Please help!
  • fergie2812
    fergie2812 Posts: 155 Member
    I got the DVD yesterday (brought it myself for my bday!) and watched it so I could see what it was all about and my daughter said oh this is easy!!!! It was only the warm up ha ha!
    Just taken delivery of some dumbbells. Gym kit all laid out for when i get home so going for it!. My 2 girls are going to be cheerleaders apparently!
    Dreading how I will feel tomorrow!
  • I just started today!! Got up at 5:30am to do day one!! I found it challenging but not legs are a little sore but other than that I feel great. I am looking forward to tomorrow ;-) Good luck and keep us updated!!
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    I just started it and tried level 1. I liked it but I will do level 2 next time. I need more of a challenge.
  • katetaylor999
    katetaylor999 Posts: 54 Member
    I just did day one today, and my legs are still exhausted. That was hours ago in case you were wondering, ha. I watched the video on youtube earlier this week and thought it looked fairly easy. WRONG!!!!!!!! It kicked my butt, literally. I had to stop three times during and barely made it through the video. Friend me and we can work our way through it together. I'm out of shape obviously, but I had no idea how hard it would be. Hopefully it will yield results and be worth every ounce of struggle. Good luck on your journey.:embarassed:

    Hee hee... I did exactly the same! watched it in advance and thought I'd smash it - nearly died. That was last Monday night, and it took until Saturday for me to be able to walk properly again and not be in agony! I've not attempted it again since cause I didn't want to make my legs worse but do plan on starting it again soon, maybe even tonight now.

    My one bit of extra warm up on your legs, over and above what Jillian does on the DVD, or you will pay for it dearly!!
  • katetaylor999
    katetaylor999 Posts: 54 Member
    I missed the bit out where I fell down the stairs because my legs decided they no longer wanted to support me after what I had put them through :laugh:
  • allynady
    allynady Posts: 59 Member
    Just started Level 2 yesterday, this is my 2nd round of 30DS. I love it!
  • LisamarieBond14
    LisamarieBond14 Posts: 133 Member
    I'm just starting today :)
    I haven't got a clue if I'll be doing it right but I'll try!
  • shutterbabe
    shutterbabe Posts: 124 Member
    With the way my legs feel after just two days of the shred, I don't know how I'm going to get any cardio in anytime soon. : / I've been walking like I have a stick up my butt all day I'm so sore!
  • LisamarieBond14
    LisamarieBond14 Posts: 133 Member
    I started mine yesterday and as I was walking downstairs I thought I was just going to tumble down them!
    I thought I epically failed on the crunches, resting way too much, but this morning my stomach is aching so much, I can barely move! Part of me doesn't want to do it again but it must be working!
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    I'm part way through level 1. I find some of the moves quite hard on my knees but I love the fact that the whole thing is over in 25 minutes. Funnily enough I just wrote a blog entry this morning about my "special time with Jillian" if you've been doing it a while go check it out. Some of the comments I got really made me laugh - apparently Jillian gets inside more heads than just mine!
  • shutterbabe
    shutterbabe Posts: 124 Member
    Well I decided to skip day 3 of the shred today. My calves hurt so much I cant even do the jumping jacks or the jump ropes or butt kicks...any of the cardio except the punches really. I cant stand on my toes and I've been walking funny all day because I can barely curve my foot naturally while walking! I really didnt want to skip any days, but theres just no way I can do it with my calves the way they are now. I guess taking a rest day isnt such a bad idea. : /
  • kayleesays
    kayleesays Posts: 564 Member
    I just did level 1, day 1! So excited! The only thing is, I started with weights that were much too heavy for my noodle arms and could barely make it through some of the circuits. How do you log it on MFP, by the way?
  • domsmoms
    domsmoms Posts: 174 Member
    Just did my first day of Level 1 and I wish I could say I was excited... it's more like I was half crying and yelling at Jillian the whole time (when I had any breath to do that). And I stopped a couple times. I hate to admit this about myself, but I am very quick to throw in the towel when it comes to tough exercise. I REALLY need some motivation. Most likely next time I'll try to do it when my boyfriend is home, since he'll motivate me, plus I'll stick with it just so he doesn't see me quit.

    I really don't know if I can do this tomorrow. OK, I CAN... but my God... I do not want to... part of what I was yelling at Jillian was "No, I DON'T care if my abs look like that!! I just don't wanna do this any more!"

    Ugh to lack of motivation.
  • shutterbabe
    shutterbabe Posts: 124 Member
    Girlfriend, you need to keep it up! Dont give up! Your abs dont need to look like theirs, but you need to be healthy. And you'll love and respect yourself more if you dont give up. I absolutely hate it during the workout, but at the cooldown I'm always like "oh ok, that went pretty quick and I'm still alive." Not to mention it feels great knowing I did my workout for the day and I can do whatever I want without that weight (non literal) on my shoulders. :)

    I log it as circuit training, general. That's what I saw other people say they log it as, so I did too.

    I curse Jillian every time but I thank God its only 20 minutes out of my day! :)
  • shutterbabe
    shutterbabe Posts: 124 Member
    Just finished Day 3 of Level 1! :) I'm glad I decided to rest yesterday. I was able to do Jillians Burn Fat Boost Metabolism dvd today as well. I feel great! Looking forward to being skinny. :P
  • chelsey202
    chelsey202 Posts: 24 Member
    I just did level 1, day 1! So excited! The only thing is, I started with weights that were much too heavy for my noodle arms and could barely make it through some of the circuits. How do you log it on MFP, by the way?

    I started with 3lb weights and barely made it through with those. And I'm glad I'm not the only one not able to walk normal after!

    edit: and I've been told to log it as circuit training