Newbie here


I'm a 38 year old mum of 4 from Derby. Have tried so many diets in the past and done ok until i had my gall bladder removed six years ago, since then i have found it very difficult to lose anything. I have just got back into a healthy eating routine and have also joined a gym for the first time ever. I didn't realise how addictive the gym could be but i'm loving it. Finally beginning to see an inprovement with my weight, lost 6kilos in the first few weeks but now the weight loss has stopped, sill losing inches though so that's what is keeping me going.

I'm hopeing to get lots of this from this site to help me along the way :)


  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    Hi :)
    Nice to meet you :) I'm Colie, I'm 22 years old and I'm from NY! I'm not new here, I've been on for a few weeks but so far I am loving it! Everyone here is sooo motivational and inspiring, it's great! I wish you the best of luck on your journey!

  • hazev74
    hazev74 Posts: 252 Member
    welcome! this site is fantastic! the support is brilliant. im vera from cork-38 this year. have 2 little boys! feel free to add!