Those with only 10-15 to lose

I am completely frustrated. I almost wish I had lots to lose since the weight seems to melt off a lot of people I am surrounded by. I am following WW and MFP. I am working out 2 times per week on at least 3 days per week, and 1 time per week at least the other 2. Its not budging! I have toned some, but can't seem to lose more than .5 some weeks or not at all. I am over 40 (42), so I know that it is that much harder with slumping metaobolism.
Can ANYONE relate?


  • gemmalianne84
    It seems to be coming off slowly for me too. Some weeks I don't lose anything. One week I actually put on 2lb!!! Usually I lose about 0.5-1lb per week and just console myself with the fact that at least I am losing weight! Let's just keep going. We'll get where we want to be eventually :)
  • parsnips1980
    same here. the first few weeks i would lose a pound or two each week, then one week nothing, then the week i would slack i would lose 2 or 3 pounds. but overall its coming off, so im not too worried. if you see some loss overall then just keep going...its just gonna be a bit slower for us.
  • Woofcub71
    One thing to remember is that muscle is FAR denser than fat, and you may be growing some muscle tone and therefore not "loosing" the weight you want, but you could still be doing the right thing. Also muscle uses more energy, so as you slowly gain muscle your metabolism should slowly increase.
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    It has taken me over 7 months to lose 22 lbs...the avaerage is only 2.75 lbs per month! It has been a long slow process for me, but I keep it up. I have 3 lbs to go to hit my goal and know it will take me about 2 more months. It can be very frustrating to lose so slow...

    I am 43...I run 6 days a week and take fitness classes...this past week I have been horrible with eating but usually maintain a good balance...

    Don't worry so much about the scale, just remember that you are getting healthy!
  • Kenzieb07
    Kenzieb07 Posts: 207 Member
    Yes yes yes -- I'm so glad you posted this. I've been working out 6 - 7 times a week for the past 3 weeks and watching my calories (I'll admit that plenty of days I've been over my calorie goal by a bit). I'm so much healthier than I was a month ago, but, the scale hasn't budged a single ounce (the "1lb lost" on my tracker is because in 2010 when I first signed up, I apparently weighed 1lb. more than where I am now). I keep working out because I feel better, but I'm starting to lose hope that I'll ever get into the 120s, which is my goal (I'm ~134 right now... fluctuates between 132 - 134).

    I'm really hoping that month 2 brings better things!!!

    Feel free to friend me -- we can encourage each other when the scale isn't encouraging us :)
  • fluteypie
    fluteypie Posts: 42 Member
    I definitely relate! I've lost about 16-17lbs (it goes back and forth every day) and they seemed to just fall off the first 5 months I started dieting. Now I've stayed the same for the past month and a half or so, only losing about 1lb per month, and I'm totally at a loss. I AM working out and toning up, though, so I'm hoping it's only muscle mass increasing!

    I also am slacking on my eating, I think because I got so comfortable at this weight I figured, "a little extra cals won't hurt", even though they are. I'm trying to get back into my 'dieting' mode to eat a lot healthier - I always feel better when I do.
  • LivFit4me
    LivFit4me Posts: 8 Member
    Consider changing up your routine. I have switched to circuit weight training with 5 minutes of cardio at 70-75% THR in between each circuit and it is working! Remember, as it was stated above, that muscle is denser than fat. Don't keep stepping on the scale; it's your enemy during this phase as your weight can fluctuate a great deal. Especially women!
    Go by measurements about once a month and how your clothes are fitting! ;o)
  • ncates00
    ncates00 Posts: 51
    Don't concern yourself with weight. Think more about body composition (lean body mass and body fat%). When you have body fat to lose, nutrition is the key (especially when you have just a little left to go, as it is the hardest to get rid of). You must make sure you are measuring your food accurately, watching your calories, and recording your stats. Also, a good thing to do if you haven't tried is to get a heart rate monitor when you work out (by the way, I suggest 5 or 6 days of working out, not just 3!). That way you can really dial in your calories.
  • AuditMe
    AuditMe Posts: 11
    I know how you feel. Our bodies are weird creatures. Sometimes I'll be on it doing so great and healthy and then I get so frustrated by the .2 movement so I'll eat cookies and penne vodka and wake up 2 pounds lighter. Then other times I will gain unless I'm eating perfectly. Sometimes I think this weightless thing is a crap shoot
  • usernamejoe
    usernamejoe Posts: 219 Member
    I'm at the same point, siting at 212, 210 or 211. Never getting lower than 210. Goal is 200. Down from 260. So I've decided watch what I eat closer (hence joining the site MFP) and changing up my workout routine and working out more. At least once a day doing something. I'm going to give it some time and manage it from there.

    Keep in mind, that it's great to workout for your heart/health as well. I'm sure you know this, just felt like saying it
  • HarlCarl
    HarlCarl Posts: 266 Member
    I can relate. I haven't seen the scale do anything but yo-yo between 216 and 212 for 2 months.

    Then I started the 30DS 21 days ago. Nothing happened the first week, but I lost 2.2 pounds last week and another 1.6 this week. It's no just the pounds either. I've lost several inches from my waist and buttocks. I'm down lower than I have been for a very long time. I think the shred is something I needed, a little change of pace. I like it so much that I've been double dipping with level 1, resting for an hour or so and then hitting level 2.

    Oh, I'm no longer OBESE either!!! I hit that milestone with today's weigh in. Now OnedeLAND....hmmm...yea!!
  • karenCalandro
    I'm 47 and the weight dropped off me at a slow buy very steady pace. I lost EVERY WEEK. It took me 5 months to lose 35 lbs. Every week was different but every week i lost. maybe only .2 ozs, but every oz counts. I did join a gym and went and still go every day even if it was just for a 30 minute walk on the treadmill. Stopped eating at all fast food restaurants, and gave up all fried foods
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    If you open your diary, we might be able to give some suggestions. Also, if you are eating at a calorie deficit, it is highly unlikely that you are gaining muscle.
  • fieldsy4life
    I stalled for a month after 30 pounds lost, but then a read about taking a break from the strict dieting for a little bit. I did just that - started eating more carbs and "restaurant food" and then went back on my diet. I started burning again.

    Just food (no pun intended) for thought. You're doing good - but perhaps you need a break!
  • MamaCindy2
    MamaCindy2 Posts: 1 Member
    I think the key to remember is that the slower and steadier you lose the weight, the more healthy it is for you and the more likely you are to keep it off. If you do have times that you plateau and aren't losing as much or none at all, I recommend stepping up the exercise rather than eating less. If you can work it in, try exercising 5 days a week instead of three, and make sure to vary the routine so your body doesn't get too used to the workout. Good luck!
  • HotBodUnderConstruction

    You should focus on measurements, body fat % etc...set goals unrelated to what it says on the scale or you will be FOREVER frustrated. For example besides reaching 18% BF my "goal" waist is approximately 25-26 inches...but more importantly for "me" is that I want my butt to look like this:


  • suztheq
    suztheq Posts: 171
    I can definitely relate. My original goal was to lose 10 pounds. The first five came off very quickly. Then I stayed the same weight for three weeks. I started to work out more, so I upped my calories and lost another 1.5 pounds. I was stuck there for two weeks, then I gained .5 pound last time I weighed in (Tuesday). However, I have been taking measurements, which helped me see the changes I've made even if the scale and I don't agree. I also have progress pictures which show a lot of difference. However, I'm not going to lie. I got upset seeing that I gained this week. But, for some reason on Friday, I decided to try on a pair of jeans that I have never worn. Yes, NEVER. I've had them for over two years. I bought them and they were a little sung, but wearable with the right shirts if you catch my drift... I got to the point where I couldn't even pull them all the way up. Normally, I would have gotten rid of them a long time ago. Well, I didn't and tried them on, knowing I would be disappointed yet again. Wrong. They fit the way they were supposed to fit, so I know I'm heading in the right direction. It's the non-scale victories (NSV's) that really matter. Smaller measurements, better pictures, clothes that fit, a complement from someone, the list goes on and on. If you've been doing the same workout for a while, switch it up a little. Have you thought about weight training? Try to change up your diet (watch your sodium, monitor how certain foods make you feel, etc). Most importantly, find other ways to measure your progress other than the scale. That should help keep you motivated and want to keep going. I know the NSV's are what kept me from throwing in the towel. Hope they help you too!
  • i_miss_donuts
    i_miss_donuts Posts: 180 Member
    I am so happy to find this board - I am going crazy with this issue.

    I gained about 8 lbs with the sudden death of my mother in law and the holidays right after (too much drinking + bad eating + depression = 8lbs).

    Not feeling great and wanting to attack the weight sensibly, I joined MFP the first week of February and bought a Fitbit. Using my fitbit, I know I get between 10,000 and 17,000 steps most days. Some days that includes my exercise, some days it doesn't (weight lifting, circuit training & biking don't register).

    For the first few weeks, I stayed with eating 1200 calories (not understanding net calories) but was only getting a few hundred calories a day due to my exercise offset. 21 days into this effort my weight loss was hovering between 1 and 0 lbs lost. Then I read thread about eating back exercise calories and started doing that and within a few days went to total of 3 lbs lost. Two days later though, that loss was gone - back to zero lbs lost. Now after a month, of eating healthy and under calorie allotment, weight training and cardio, I am STILL at zero lbs. lost. Thought I would take measurements, hoping that I am simply displacing fat with muscle and I am actually bigger than when I started. WTF?

    I am so incredibly frustrated right now!! I have read everything I can find including some of the great threads by experts on MFP. I know I could be retaining water, so I have been watching my sodium, trying to avoid prepared foods as much as possible and drinking tons of water. I NEVER eat fast food. I am neurotic about logging everything I put in my mouth. I stay under my calories for each day, though my total calories consumed varies each day to offset how much I exercised. Right now, I have my settings set to lose .7 lbs per week because I have less to lose.

    Anyone have any ideas about what the heck I am doing wrong? I have opened up my diary if you want to take a look.
  • aodc909297
    aodc909297 Posts: 86 Member
    I'm in the same boat! I started my journey on January 3, 2012 at 151 pounds. Started exercise and watching what I ate and managed to lose 10-12 pounds during January and February and now I'm back and forth between 139 and 140... have been for about 2 weeks. Just recently upped my calorie intake and am staying away from the scale for now because I heard that sometimes when upping, you will gain weight temporarily before you see the weight loss kick in. What I find incredibly difficult is getting in all the calories MFP says I need - especially with GOOD HEALTHY food! I'm trying though and I'm not giving up! I've been doing the 30 DS (L1, D6 today), I walk on treadmill (about 2-3 miles) 2x week, weight train with dumbbells 5x week, pilates for 20 minutes 3x week. I also take nature walks through woods, over hills, down hills, rough terrain for about 40 minutes 3x a week. So, my frustration is so great!! It's not like I'm sitting around waiting, I'm working it. I know deep down inside that everything I'm doing is right and I just have to trust that eventually I will break through this barrier and lose the additional 10-15 pounds I'd like to lose. I'll be 48 years old in April and I have 3 children (youngest being 14) so I have some long-term weight gain to lose. I'll get there and so will all of you. Keep positive. Keep working. Keep the faith.
  • Hopingforchange
    Don't concern yourself with weight. Think more about body composition (lean body mass and body fat%). When you have body fat to lose, nutrition is the key (especially when you have just a little left to go, as it is the hardest to get rid of). You must make sure you are measuring your food accurately, watching your calories, and recording your stats. Also, a good thing to do if you haven't tried is to get a heart rate monitor when you work out (by the way, I suggest 5 or 6 days of working out, not just 3!). That way you can really dial in your calories.

    I am working out 5-6 days per week. One three of those days, I work out twice per day. I eat some of my calories back in, but not all. I am going to keep trying!!!