OMG...why do we have it so hard. WHHHHYYYYY?? I have been doing so cravings...killin it at the gym....eating every 3 hours...I get on the scale and I've gone up a pound. I'm so crampy and bloated and feel so icky. Whats been your experience when ur cycle starts? How do u get thru it???


  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    You'll drop the pound when your TOM is over.

    We have it hard because we GROW PEOPLE. Our bodies are not destined to be rock hard, they are soft and snuggly for holding babies. We have boobs to nurse babies. We have extra fat because we GROW people. From scratch!
  • joyce1129
    joyce1129 Posts: 62 Member
    You will see the drop about 2 days in, and it will reoccur every cycle. As women, we are built different and our bodies react different. You are probably also a little constipated, and that too will pass (no pun intended). DO NOT let the numbers on a scale control your life; let the feel of you clothes dictate how you are doing :~)
  • jaxxie
    jaxxie Posts: 576 Member
    TOM SUCKS...plain and simple. I am currently in the same boat and am up about 4lbs. I am retaining water like the Hoover freaking Dam! We have to suffer through it and know that we'll come out ok on the other end. I sometimes give into my cravings, but always over compensate with water. Good luck....we're a powerful breed, so we shall prevail, lol!
  • schaapj2
    schaapj2 Posts: 320 Member
    Drink tons of water and take some ibuprofen.....helps reduce inflammation and cramps.....the bloat will go away and you'll feel so much better...and likely drop a little weight on top of it if you've been rockin' it out!
  • hlandry6
    hlandry6 Posts: 230
    I hate aunt flow...A good way to bring a person down. I don't get to bad of cravings and if I do I just keep it in moderation. I usually gain a couple lbs as well from water retention and I feel so boated iikk..I just tell myself that once its over I will return to my normal weight!
  • xMsAlly
    xMsAlly Posts: 164 Member
    I tend to feel really bloated but I just kind of "stick it through" for the 5 days or however long it lasts. By the end I'm back where I was before in terms of weight.
  • lovinbeinold
    You'll drop the pound when your TOM is over.

    We have it hard because we GROW PEOPLE. Our bodies are not destined to be rock hard, they are soft and snuggly for holding babies. We have boobs to nurse babies. We have extra fat because we GROW people. From scratch!

    Pinkearthmama, I LOVE this that you said. How beautiful. You hit it. And from scratch to boot! Wonderful thought, wonderful post, wonderful take on that part of being a woman.

  • gingermoon
    gingermoon Posts: 239 Member
    Oh my goodness.... mine has gotten so much worse with age.
    Most months I go up 5-7 pounds for a good week or so and bloat myself right out my clothes!
    Not even taking water pills helps anymore.

    Talk about becoming deflated.. makes you feel like all your hard work the other 3 weeks of the month is pointless.
    So frustrating and depressing.

    I'm still trying to figure out how to deal with it.
    I already live a strict gluten free- dairy life.
    I only drink water and natural fruit juices, limit processed foods, rarely eat out, rarely eat refined sugar and watch my sodium intake.

    Nothing helps that time of the month!!!! :sad:
  • ariant23
    ariant23 Posts: 161 Member
    You'll drop the pound when your TOM is over.

    We have it hard because we GROW PEOPLE. Our bodies are not destined to be rock hard, they are soft and snuggly for holding babies. We have boobs to nurse babies. We have extra fat because we GROW people. From scratch!

    This ^

    I have the same problem. i'll be complaining to my husband next weekend.

    But yes, it will go away, so just stay off the scale for a few days and keep logging and working out.

    *edit: I have ghiradelli 86% dark chocolate on hand for those days. 64 calories a square. i get one each night when i'm grumpy. even if they are extra (over) calories for the day. the dark choc is good for you (in moderation), and the dark really calms the cravings in a way wimpy milk chocolate never could
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    I just got mine bright and early today, and it is my birthday. Happy effing birthday to me. Haha. Needless to say, I hear ya.
  • Krissy_b777
    I thought I was the only one who called her Aunt Flo!! LOL! Even though she is not due to come in town until next week, I can already feel the effects. Usually I fluctuate during this time and I don't weigh in that particular week.
  • dreamyheart
    hahahaha i know!!!! add me :)
  • alise_lmx
    alise_lmx Posts: 292 Member
    i'm here!!! it's ok, 1 lb is no big deal, I go up and down a few lbs in one day even on my normal, non-TOM days! Just try to deal with any cravings by maybe exercising a little more, that can help with other symptoms too.

    Maybe don't even weigh yourself until it's over, and then carry on from there. good luck!!
  • sammeruss
    sammeruss Posts: 11 Member
    I always put on 1-2lbs during my TOM, it goes straight after, keep drinking water and try PMS tea, you can get it in health stores, helps with water rentention, my birthday tomorrow, nice pressie for me....ugh!
  • katelynpelerson
    katelynpelerson Posts: 99 Member
    I NEVER weigh when the crimson tide comes through! It makes you bloaty and uncomfortable. And plus, when you see that you've gained a pound from carrying extra "baggage", you get emotional x10!
  • tronapage
    tronapage Posts: 23
    What about us who have gone thru the change? I was bloatie and seemed to have put back on a couple of pounds last month but the went away. Now this month, I seem to be experiencing the same again? Does "ghost cycles" exist in us older folk? I'm 66.
  • keesh1123
    keesh1123 Posts: 229 Member
    Drink tons of water and take some ibuprofen.....helps reduce inflammation and cramps.....the bloat will go away and you'll feel so much better...and likely drop a little weight on top of it if you've been rockin' it out!

    This. ^^^^

    I've learned to just go with the FLOW. Pun intended :)
  • islandjumper
    islandjumper Posts: 369 Member
    I just got mine bright and early today, and it is my birthday. Happy effing birthday to me. Haha. Needless to say, I hear ya.

    Happy Birthday...can you return mother nature's present? lol
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    Sorry to hear it. Drink lots of water. The week before is sometimes a good losing week. Also if you're having cravings for sweets, make sure you have enough protein. Sometimes that curbs the cravings for me.
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    I always gain weight that TOM I eat hard boiled eggs to help with cravings and cramps