Help for an ex couch potato

Hi I recently begin my weight loss journey. I have ben eating better and working out but my muscles are so sore I cant even sit or walk or anything I do hurts even my arms and tummy. Any tips? Or how are you loosing weight? I'm 5'5 and weight 183and and by couch potato I meant I didnt exercise.


  • JinkySue1
    JinkySue1 Posts: 3 Member
    I am the same way...I was sedentary for so long and don't have much muscle tone ...bought a treadmill about two years ago and rarely used it...started using it about 8 months ago and have kept with it..even if I only get in 15 minutes I still try to do it every has helped me a lot...I have noticed when I go to the mall or the zoo...park...places like that I can walk the hills etc..without getting winded and tired..I occasionally try exercise dvds but always get so sore and tired I can't exercise for a couple days after..but the walking never makes me sore ...even if its an hour or two...its not P90x but at least its some kind of exercise Lol....hopefully I can work up to the dvds but for now the walking is working for me....;)
  • Dulxecita
    Dulxecita Posts: 35
    I'm trying a DVD called 30 day shred but I'm so sore I its a20 min one
  • Your muscles will be sore for about the first week. It may not feel like it but it's a good thing! After about the second or third week you won't be sore anymore.
  • NaomiWhite77
    NaomiWhite77 Posts: 238 Member
    Stretch and hot epson salt bath to help with the soreness. Keep doing what you are doing it will get better.

    I was a couch potato too.. Now I run 4-5 days a week and am doing the Brazilian Butt Lift DVDs.

    Good luck!
  • batlou
    batlou Posts: 97 Member
    Just push through it. Muscle soreness is to be expected when you get started. Just try to be aware of what is normal sore and injury sore.

    Regarding 30 shred...Last week I Ran 21 miles, Biked 46 miles and Swam 1.5 miles. My Wife had purchased 30 day shred and I figured what the heck and worked out with her. My hardest workout of the week and I was sore for 3 days from a 20 minute workout.

    Just keep doing what your doing. RFP: Relentless Forward Progress!
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    This sounds like the same comment I made on an earlier post today. You youngstas are always in a hurry! Slow it down, use light weights for arm exercises. If you are REALLY out of shape, do some arm exercises without the weights at first. A few extra days won't hurt you if you plan on a lifetime of being fit. Yes, you can go for it or "push yourself through it", but if you do that there is always the possibility for a muscle tear or injury, which will slow you down for weeks. You had all your life to stay out of shape, so what's a few weeks to get back into shape? Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Dulxecita
    Dulxecita Posts: 35
    I'm always on the go. I have 4 boys ages from 1the to 7. But I haven't properly exercised for about 3 years I was at 135 lbs 3but years ago but right now I'm almost 50 lbs more. I s
    Chose this DVD because of the 20 min work out but I been eating healthy for a couple years but too much calories. So this tool is helping me keep track of the calories. Thanks every one for your responses, I guess I'm just looking for better ways to increase my weight loss success and fitness.