30 to 35 to go post pregnancy weight support

Hi my name is Josey and I've been struggling with my weight ever since I had my daughter 12 months ago. I gained instead of loosing weight after I gave birth and for the first time in my life I was medically obese. I'm starting my goal at -30 lbs just to get out of the danger zone. Hoping to find some support and share tips and tricks that are working for others in the same situation.


  • c8linmarie
    c8linmarie Posts: 358 Member
    I've been carrying around my pregnancy weight around for about 4 years now! Actually, I weighed LESS when I was pregnant. Having a child/ren is tough as you no longer have time for or to take care of yourself. I am trying to lose 30 lbs myself, so feel free to add me as a friend for support!