Can someone plz explain to me how eating more cals works



  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    If you starve yourself and eat below your needed calories then your body will hold onto what you eat and store it as fat in order to survive. When you do see the scale move down and you think you are losing weight it will be muscle that you are losing. It's takes more energy to sustain muscle than it does fat so your body will get rid of it in order to conserve energy that it thinks it need in order to survive. So if you want to be "skinny fat" then starve yourself. IF you want to be lean and healthy then eat the calories you are supposed to eat. It is about keeping your metabolism burning in order to ensure you are utilizing your calories efficiently. If you starve yourself your metabolism will shut down and you will never achieve a healthy life long weight loss. The ball is in your court. I believe that learning how your body works and how food is processed in the body will help you understand. Do research and hopefully you will find enough information to make an educated decision for yourself.

    I have lost over 60 lbs by eating every 3-4 hours and sometimes every 2 hours when I started implementing more weight training.

    It holds onto nothing and the fat will not be stored because the body will be burning it for energy, this is how it works.

    Do I look like I am skinny fat? I can assure you I am not.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    I read all these stories abOut Uping calories to loose weight. I really can't wrap my head around it. It just doesn't make sense to me that you eat more and loose more. I heard its because your body goes into starvation mode when eating too little, but that seems weird and untrue to me, because aftee months it would probably get over it. I dunno. I would like opinions and success stories about Uping cals. Thanks

    I have never upped my calories to lose weight to be honest, the only time I will up them is when I am on maintenance, which will be in 5lbs loss time.
  • xosmsox
    xosmsox Posts: 119
    I've lost 32lbs in under 4 months eating at LEAST 1650 calories everyday. I was never hungry, and I've maintained quite a bit of my lean mass. You can eat and lose! I'm not overly active either, a hairdresser by day and I average 30min of exercise and weightlifting 3-5 days a week :)
  • shamr0ck
    shamr0ck Posts: 296 Member
    Heh. If it were all about thyroid, i'd be a stick figure. I have no thyroid, lost it to cancer three years ago. Because of this, i am kept on a very high dosage of artificial hormone replacement, yet i *still* struggle to lose weight.
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    I read all these stories abOut Uping calories to loose weight. I really can't wrap my head around it. It just doesn't make sense to me that you eat more and loose more. I heard its because your body goes into starvation mode when eating too little, but that seems weird and untrue to me, because aftee months it would probably get over it. I dunno. I would like opinions and success stories about Uping cals. Thanks

    Your body does not "get over" starvation. It slows your metabolism and breaks down muscle in order to match what you are eating, which can do permanent damage to your metabolism. You eat more to maintain lean mass and keep your hormones in balance.

    Its more about eating a smaller, more practical, deficit than eating more. Excessive deficits can lead to bad things.