I've asked this of my friends before but I still can't figure this out. I used to have a $30 Sportline HRM and it calculated about 8-10 calories burned a minute when I would get on the Elliptical or do Jillian Michaels. After 2 years, it broke. I recently bought a new one and it calculated a lot more calories burned than the old one. I returned the model (for lack of special features) and asked a sales rep for advice on a new one. He recommended the Sportline Women's Duo 1010. He said he was a personal trainer, loved his sportline, and haven't had any returns on this model. It was around $80 so I know I didn't buy a super cheap one. I've been using this one for over a month now (which means I can't return it) but I'm worried it's over calculating. The reason I'm so interested in this is because keeping a HRM keeps me motivated and helps me push myself. I completely rely on it when it comes to food and I need it to keep me accountable for these last few pounds.

I'm 5'7, 141lbs, I can run 3 miles, I workout several times a week.... could it possibly be correct? Side note, the heart rate is accurate and when I read the summary, it says my workouts are about 75% of my RHR.

Thank you all for your help!