New here. Have high body fat but not overweight.

mikesa3 Posts: 28 Member
Hi everyone. I'm a 48 year old mother of 6. I've been lucky most of my life to eat whatever I wanted and still be considered thin. That is till I hit 40. Most people look at me and still see a slim person but I can really tell the difference since I gained 12 lbs.(That's on top of the 10 I had left from last baby) I've never liked to exercise and though I knew it wasn't healthy I didn't really care since I was ok with my weight. About a month ago I decided I needed to make a change. I see my parents in poor health and I liked to avoid some of the issues thay have. So I've been working out at the gym for about a month. (cardio and weight machines and Zumba once a week). Only lost 2 lbs but can see the difference in my upper stomach. I had a test for body fat done Friday in a Bod Pod and it was 40% body fat. :( The woman giving me the test was shocked because I don't look heavy. She's making me a appointment with the fitness guy to try to figure out what's going on. I've been averageing about 1500 calories the past two weeks since I've been tracking .The Bod Pod said my resting Metobolic rate is only 1093 :( Just wondering if anyone else here had the same issues. Oh my weight is about 142 right now. 5'5 height