Recovering after a binge weekend?



  • Girl, hush, you are human! Its ok to slip up every once in a while as long as you get back on that horse! I would suggest the same as some people above - maybe up the cals a bit. You'll be more satisfied every day and the slip ups will be fewer and far between. Slower loss, but happier you!
  • maybe you need to up your daily calories. 1200 calories/day is the bare minimum, and it may not be enough for your body is responding by triggering a binge. Maybe try upping just a little (1300-1400) for a few days and see how it goes.
    Even more short term, drink lots of water and go back to normal.
  • 1953Judith
    1953Judith Posts: 325 Member
    Part of my long term strategy for establishing good habits is to learn how to deal with the unexpected or unplanned (doing it right now with unexpected severe back pain, can barely walk, can't get into the specialist until Thursday). For me, my mindset is as important to my fitness as any other aspect.

    I think you have three recovery strategies 1) brood and worry about a weekend where you ate more than you intended; 2) self-reflect about the weekend and determine what aspects were fun, what weren't, what you might do differently, what you would do the same; 3) decide that the weekend is over and how you want to approach the week. Any of those three strategies are normal.
  • tinchick
    tinchick Posts: 59 Member
    Welcome to my life! I always do really well for awhile, fall of the bandwagon, binge, get upset for doing it, binge some more, and gain back all the weight plus some.

    This time around, I'm thinking about things differently. I am going to have days where I binge, like my birthday this past week, but I make sure that it is only for a day or two. Then I get right back on track. Also, don't feel bad that you binged. It's going to happen every once and awhile. Just take it as a not so good day and try again tomorrow. You don't have to even do extra well the next day to make up for it. Just get back on track. That's the important thing. Your body won't care that you were off one or two days; it's much more of a mind game.

    And I agree with some of the other comments about weighing yourself. If you binged right before you typically weigh yourself, skip that weigh in and continue the next time. Looking at the scale after a binge will only make you feel worse. If I binge on the weekend, then I skip my Monday morning weigh in and just wait until the next week.
  • earlyxer
    earlyxer Posts: 240 Member
    If you've been losing weight at 1200 cals/day, then I'm going to assume that your maintenance level is probably around 1800. You say that you ate double the 1200 for two days, or 4800 calories. Less your 3600 maintenance calories, that is only a 1200 calorie surplus.

    A pound of fat is 3500 calories so this weekend - wait for it - you gained just less than 6 ounces.

    I wouldn't sweat it. Just get back on track.
  • drea0703
    drea0703 Posts: 83 Member
    I feel your pain! For me it hasn´t been a very successful couple of days either lately. But whenever I feel guilty about it I keep telling myself: We don't fall of the waggon - we just postpone our results a bit. :)
    In the end this is about a lifestyle change and not about beating yourself up for a few binge days. We need this once in a while. It will get better, I promise.
    Keep it up, honey. You can do this!!!! We all can.
  • If you've been losing weight at 1200 cals/day, then I'm going to assume that your maintenance level is probably around 1800. You say that you ate double the 1200 for two days, or 4800 calories. Less your 3600 maintenance calories, that is only a 1200 calorie surplus.

    A pound of fat is 3500 calories so this weekend - wait for it - you gained just less than 6 ounces.

    I wouldn't sweat it. Just get back on track.
  • love the perspective! Thanks!
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    I have a day off every week or a cheat meal/drinks out with friends. I made sure I logged everything and just get back on the wagon the next day. This did my weight loss, and now maintenance no harm and keeps me sane! x
  • earlyxer
    earlyxer Posts: 240 Member
    Yeah, have to keep the big picture in mind :smile:

    I think the Chinese proverb is: "It takes more than one meal to make a fat man"...
  • Mabohlale
    Mabohlale Posts: 148 Member
    Yeah, have to keep the big picture in mind :smile:

    I think the Chinese proverb is: "It takes more than one meal to make a fat man"...
