Weening myself off Fast Food



  • daisylou
    daisylou Posts: 118
    my husband and I call it Crackdonalds:laugh:
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    You've got some good advice here.
    We'll help if you'll let us.
    Try going just a couple of days without. Try some new recipes, have plenty of healthy snacks on hand ready top grab & eat.
    Do you really have it every day?
    Then cut it back to 2 days a week at first & see what else you can find that you like.
    My prediction:
    1. you'll find that you can have LOTS of other healthier food for the same number of calories.
    2. you'll REALLY enjoy the extra cash you find in your pocket - to spend on new clothes or new bag or weekend away!