Tear Jerkers as Stress Relieve

katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
Sometimes when I have negative energy to release (and can't get to the gym or find an aerobic way to get it out), I'll choose to watch a sad movie, just to boo who over. After the movie is over, I'm fine. Some scenes are just so powerful.

What scenes get to you (or touch your heart), no matter what state of mind you're in? ***SPOILERS below***

My top ten are (not in any order):

1. Door to Door, when Bill is told by Mrs. Sullivan's son after her death, that she bought tons of his product, but never actually used it. He realizes how lonely she was, at that moment.

2. Pay It Forward, when Eugene wakes Arlene and they go outside and see all the people gathering. No parent should outlive their child.

3. Immortal Beloved, when Ms. Erdody says to Schindler, "You haven't figured it out yet?" She then tells him who his Immortal Beloved has been all this time. The next five minutes (of replaying what actually happened during the storm) is heart-wrenching.

4. My Girl, when they come to the door, to tell Vada's family that Thomas J. has died AND during Thomas J.'s funeral, when Vada is walking up to the casket.

5. Monsters, Inc., the end when Mike hands Sully the final piece of Boo's door and he enters her room and sees her...(there's a puddle of tears on the sofa under my head.)

6. Saving Private Ryan, when the Letter of Abraham Lincoln is read, and at the end, when Capt. Miller is dying, the adult Private Ryan is shown walking towards Capt. Miller's grave. Basically, the entire ending of the movie.

7. A League of Their Own, at the end, especially when Dottie see's Jimmy picture and begins to reminisce.

8. Schindler's List, the entire movie.

9. The Notebook, at the end, when he lays down beside her and they both pass on. When the nurses find them, it's bittersweet.

10. Signs, when Graham is holding Morgan in his arms, in the backyard at the near end of the movie, after the alien has exposed him to the poisonous gas.


  • KJVBear33
    KJVBear33 Posts: 628
    Sometimes when I have negative energy to release (and can't get to the gym or find an aerobic way to get it out), I'll choose to watch a sad movie, just to boo who over. After the movie is over, I'm fine. Some scenes are just so powerful.

    What scenes get to you (or touch your heart), no matter what state of mind you're in? ***SPOILERS below***

    My top ten are (not in any order):

    1. Door to Door, when Bill is told by Mrs. Sullivan's son after her death, that she bought tons of his product, but never actually used it. He realizes how lonely she was, at that moment.

    2. Pay It Forward, when Eugene wakes Arlene and they go outside and see all the people gathering. No parent should outlive their child.

    3. Immortal Beloved, when Ms. Erdody says to Schindler, "You haven't figured it out yet?" She then tells him who his Immortal Beloved has been all this time. The next five minutes (of replaying what actually happened during the storm) is heart-wrenching.

    4. My Girl, when they come to the door, to tell Vada's family that Thomas J. has died AND during Thomas J.'s funeral, when Vada is walking up to the casket.

    5. Monsters, Inc., the end when Mike hands Sully the final piece of Boo's door and he enters her room and sees her...(there's a puddle of tears on the sofa under my head.)

    6. Saving Private Ryan, when the Letter of Abraham Lincoln is read, and at the end, when Capt. Miller is dying, the adult Private Ryan is shown walking towards Capt. Miller's grave. Basically, the entire ending of the movie.

    7. A League of Their Own, at the end, especially when Dottie see's Jimmy picture and begins to reminisce.

    8. Schindler's List, the entire movie.

    9. The Notebook, at the end, when he lays down beside her and they both pass on. When the nurses find them, it's bittersweet.

    10. Signs, when Graham is holding Morgan in his arms, in the backyard at the near end of the movie, after the alien has exposed him to the poisonous gas.

    OMG......#2,4, and 10.......ALL had me in tears!! Also........to add........Marley and Me.......when the dog gets put down!! Had me in tears!!