
So, I have decided to switch to eating plain oatmeal.....any suggestions on what to put in it?

I absolutely LOVE oatmeal butterscotch cookies and thought that maybe putting a sprinkle of the SF/FF butterscotch pudding mix in it would be good....haven't tried it yet but will report back when I do!


  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    i cant handle plain oatmeal, so im always adding stuff to it lol
    umm my most recent love is cocoa powder, a packet or two of stevia, and some shredded cococnut. tastes like a no bake cookie :D
    i also like putting different flavored protein powders in..
    craisins or raisins with cinnamon sugar.
  • 25sherry
    25sherry Posts: 59 Member
    I love oatmeal with fresh blue berries or just with cinnamon and a packet of Truvia. Yum!!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    berries of any kind, a dash of cinnamon, raisins (I love them but they're a little high in sugars)
  • AlwaysWanderer
    AlwaysWanderer Posts: 641 Member
    Peanut butter, dark chocolate, cinnamon and flaxseed. Yum
  • ahipsher
    ahipsher Posts: 46 Member
    I cut up half a banana in mine or sprinkle a bit of "Pumpkin Pie" spices and nutmeg.

    Sometimes I'll put flax seeds in it with a drizzle of local honey (for allergies).

    And I love it plain too - oatmeal rocks!
  • 25sherry
    25sherry Posts: 59 Member
    I never thought of pumpkin pie spice, I bet that is really tasty!!!
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Peanut butter, dark chocolate, cinnamon and flaxseed. Yum

    How do you add dark chocolate? I like that idea!
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Any kind of berries, banana, peanut butter, nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger. I mix mine with yogurt instead of milk.
  • Fay84Vegan
    Fay84Vegan Posts: 225 Member
    1 tbsp of maple syrup
    Berries and yogurt
    Apple and mixed nuts
    Peanut butter
  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    I put raisins on mine. Yum!
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    One teaspoon of pure maple syrup. Just gives it a little extra flavor. Yum!
  • gaia3rd
    gaia3rd Posts: 151
    I have toasted steel cut oatmeal at least 4-5 mornings a week. Has a little bit of brown sugar (the only actual processed sugar I consume all day), dried cranberries, golden raisins, and cherries. Yummy and comforting.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I cook mine in a crockpot w/almond milk, add golden raisins, & sweeten w/ a little maple syrup. Tastes like bread pudding, & is great without the syrup, too.
  • sportyskylar
    i love oatmeal! i add a packet of splenda, a tsp of cinnamon, and either blueberries or raspberries! so yummy
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    My go-to is 1/3 cup dry oats, two scoops of vegan protein powder, cocoa powder, two tablespoons of flax seeds and one tablespoon of peanut butter. Delicious and soooo filling.
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    teaspoon of brown sugar.............extra 15 calories, but tastes much better
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    It is great on its own, but if you want some ideas here is a link to the world porridge making championship held in Carrbridge, Scotland.

  • Schnuddelbuddel
    Schnuddelbuddel Posts: 472 Member
    love my porridge in the mornings!!

    I usually add cinnamon and flaxseed, sometimes also finely diced apples or pears or bananas :) raisins are good too!

    Enjoy :)
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    sugar free vanilla syrup for coffee...just a dash goes a long long way!