Do you ever feel less hungry??

Hey all,

I've done a week on MFP. Some days i've felt fine but others, like today, i'm just hungry all the bloomin time!

I only weigh 133lbs and i'm eating 1800 calories cos i'm breastfeeding a 4 month old and don't really want to drop below that.

So i'm eating plenty, and healthyish food.

So why do i feel sooo hungry? And does it get easier when your body gets used to it??

Grrr (that was my tummy rumbling)


  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Are you drinking plenty? Remember that thirst can feel like hunger.

    If you're eating much healthier than before, it may be a type of withdrawal from the junk you had been eating. That will go away.

    The best I advice I can give is if you're hungry, drink something. If you're still hungry a half hour after that, eat something. Fiber and protein are our friends. Almonds are a fabulous snack. If you can't have nuts, try a hard boiled egg and a half whole-wheat english muffin (great to keep around the house). Going hungry isn't the answer.
  • vokvon
    vokvon Posts: 4
    I find that the more I workout, and the cleaner I eat, the hungrier I am. But I feel so much better, I have so much more energy! I know that it can be hard, but I try to eat several smaller meals throughout the day instead of three large ones. Always make sure to get a little protein into whatever you are snacking on. Hang in there! Those sugary cravings will go away :)
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,230 Member
    I hit the two month marker a few days back (60 days), and for me that feeling has either gone away or gotten easier to deal with. I'd have moments in the beginning where I was forcing myself to eat the calories and LOTS in the middle where I was having to cut back on what I wanted, but ice water really helped, along with apples and grapes. Now it's more that the flavor is drawing me back for more rather than the actual need for food, but I'm fighting it. :tongue:
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Avoiding hunger on a deficit requires better food choices to help. As mentioned, lots of protein and fiber goes a LONG way. Fat can be helpful too but obviously it's higher calorie. If you're gonna eat carbs make sure they are whole grain/complex carbs so they will last you longer. I personally try to get 200g of protein a day and 25-35g of fiber and it helps immensely. I am never really hungry.
  • jaireed
    jaireed Posts: 333 Member
    I recommend some veggie soup. I make a HUGE batch and eat it whenever I am hungry. It is very low in calories. I use the recipe from I love this recipe! The beef broth makes it delicious! I mix it up by adding a tbs of ff sourcream, hot sauce, or salsa. Its warm and satisfiying. My sister who doesn't need to lose weight came over and she loved it! I hope you try it and like it. Its zero ww points and only 80 calories for 2 cups of it. Yum! I love that its warm and it makes you feel full! I recommend making a huge batch. As it sits in the fridge it gets more flavorful everyday, so it doesn't seem like your eating the same soup. Enjoy!
  • Munchkin300380
    Munchkin300380 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks guys! I'll try all these, and the soup looks fab. Do you make the broth from scratch?