
I'm wondering if anyone who rollerblades has any suggestions on what's a good brand of rollerblade out there? I just rollerblade on country roads (which at times is covered with tiny rocks...ugh) but I'm looking to upgrade. Last summer I went over a 100+ miles per month on the blades I have now and I've rollerbladed quite a few marathons too...and I'm using rollerblades I wore back in high school 10 years ago! My brake is gone and I could probably use some new wheels and I think it would be more expensive to replace my old ones.

I guess if I'm going to be putting that much time into rollerblading and going big distances I can spend a few bucks on a pair that is super comfy and gonna last me a few hundred if you have suggestions I would greatly appreciate them! Thank you!


  • Rynoman2k3
    Rynoman2k3 Posts: 152 Member
    I got a pair of K2 rollerblades last year off of eBay for 50bux. They retailed at over 200.00. I got them and they look brand new. Some guy just used them maybe 5 times and never used them again. I love mine! I have probably 40miles on them so far.