How to help my mom?!!!??!!!



  • sunshine45356
    sunshine45356 Posts: 78 Member
    Walking will absolutely help her. Actually, it's prolly the best thing she can do right now. I was 287 last fall and started out walking 30 minutes a day every other day. I am now 241. She cant expect it to be easy. No effort equals no results. At first it will be hard but she has to want it bad enough to push herself but little by little it will become easier. Now I am riding my bike and counting every calorie.
  • secretgirl4611
    secretgirl4611 Posts: 474 Member
    I JUST CALLED HER TO TALK ABOUT GETTING HER TO AT LEAST WORKOUT FOR 30min. A DAY.. IT WAS AN AWKWARD CALL BUT I TOLD HER I WOULD HELP HER OUT. She only lives like 4blocks down from me, I told her maybe she could walk to my house and ride our stationary bike for about 15-30min. If she does 30min. It would be like going from our town to the closest town to us, which is 6miles away. SHE SOUNDED LIKE SHE KNEW I WAS CONCERNED AND WERE GONNA FIGURE SOMETHING OUT SOON SHE SAID. I WAS HOPING TO GET HER STARTED 2MORROW. BUT WE SHALL SEE...
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    Walk down to her house and ask her if she would like to take a walk with you. That would give you a chance to talk together. sometimes having someone to talk to as you walk ,you go farther because you have someone to talk too. The fresh air feels great.
  • ashleywright144
    I too am on my own weight loss journey.
    My mother has her own weight issues as well and I have recently decided to create a small gym in one of her spare rooms. This would be my suggestion to you if your mom has room in her home even if it is a basket with a yoga mat, video and some one to three pound weights may help her. Keep the lines of communication open and let her know about your progress and ask her questions about how to create helathier meals. Problem solve together, cook together. If you live in seperate homes maybe commit to making dinner together at least once a month. To get your mom motivated get her involved.
    Hope this helps
  • carebears1973
    carebears1973 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi, maybe your mum thinks it is all too overwhelming for her, and because she gets out of breath or it is painful, she'd rather not do it at all.

    Start small and build up at HER pace. Start with her sitting down on the chair (sitting forward), clapping her hands above her head, then bringing them down to her side to rest on the chair cushion. Repeat this five times.

    Then get her to raise one knee up and put it down (like she is slow marching but sitting down) this 5 times.

    See if she can do just one set of each 3 times a day and praise her for doing it. Build it up slowly to 7 in a set, then 10 in a set...etc...

    Other sitting down exercises could be putting one leg out in front and pointing the toes then flexing.....change legs after a set of 5.

    When her muscles start to get stronger she could put one arm straight in the air, then bring it down straight all the way to her side and in front...... she could sit forward in a chair, stand up then sit down ...5 reps.

    If she is sitting, it will help her from getting too out of breath and being embarrassed. Then she can build up to standing and doing something she enjoys. She may prefer walking, swimming, gardening etc, rather than a workout.

    Keep it slow and take tiny steps, when you do too much too soon, she probably see's herself as a failure coz she cant keep up with you, and that is counter productive and feeds her depression.

    I wish your mum well, if you need anymore advice please let me know. I used to teach exercise classes (befor I put on the weight!)and have a CYQ in Health related exercise x
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    You can't. You can create opportunities for her but she'll most likely hear 'Youre fat and. Red to change'

    No-one can help an obese person. They have to help themselves. I've done diets for years, all at my parents instigation. I'd lose 10-15kg and then put it back on. It wasn't until I decided to do something it's worked.

    Oh and those same parents who pressured me to lose weight (and are overweight themselves)? Got very upset when I suggested Lite n Easy after my mum was complaining about portion sizes and knowing what they are. And they know they're heavier and have no issues telling me to lose weight.