Calling all you 6 Week 6 Packers........

Ok, so far I have done Jillians 30 DS and I am currently on the last week of her Ripped in 30. I was thinking about getting the 6 week 6 pack and was curious on what everyone thought about it.

Did you get results? Is it a good cardio workout as well or just mainly all abs?

For all of you with heart rate monitor how much did you usually burn with each session. I was thinking about buying No More Troubles Zones and 6W6P and alternating them. Thoughts/advice please!

Or do you suggest another Jillian workout instead??


  • tophat1
    tophat1 Posts: 19
    It really is just abs - there are a few cardio intervals in there, but nowhere near as intense as 30DS and Ripped in 30. I usually piggyback 6W6P with the elliptical or another Jillian video for a more complete workout. Results are good though - my love handles are disappearing and my core feels much stronger.