Looking for Friends with Similar Goals

Hello! I just started on MFP a couple days ago and I'm looking for some friends who have goals close to mine; I figure it might help me stay motivated. I'm a college student and I've gained 25lbs in the last year that I'm looking to lose, and maybe a little bit more. I'm 5ft4in and at 152lbs. If anyone has similar goals, please friend me, or even if your goals are slightly different, the bigger the support system the better! Thanks and good luck to everyone!


  • BlackStarlight
    BlackStarlight Posts: 554 Member
    Hey huni welcome to MFP and good luck on your weight loss journey! Ive lost 26kg which is about 59lbs still got a way to go but Id be happy to be part of your support system here and we can help each other feel free to add me if you want! You can do this xxx