Exercise and Eating times

I have a schedule where I usually eat breakfast, Lunch, Snack, and dinner then go exercise. However after about a week of that, I now get incredibly hungry after I exercise and half the time I kinda binge eat because I just can't deal with the gnawing hunger. A friend suggested to eat dinner after I exercise because my metabolism is cranked up and my body needs some sustenance to recover. My question is I don't get home from exercising until about 8-9 pm and I'm in bed by 11pm. Is it a good idea to eat that late? or does anyone have any suggestions what I can do? PS. Exercising earlier is not an option at this time.

Thanks for any help!!


  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    My schedule is the same. I eat as soon as I get in from the gym. I have a protein shake as soon as I walk through the door, then cook dinner.
  • Stazed
    Stazed Posts: 55 Member
    I have a protein shake as soon as i finish in the gym, keeps me going til i've showered, got home and made dinner. Also boosts my protein intake! its all good!
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    i often dont get to the gym until 11pm, home after midnight, and i always eat something. at least a protein shake, if not more. timing of your meals has nothing to do with weight loss, as long as you dont go over calories youre good.
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    Listen to your body and eat if you're hungry. Don't eat if you're not hungry. Easier said than done but it will work better than eating to a timetable and you should find an eating pattern that fits in with your routine/calories.
  • LisaMcFerran
    LisaMcFerran Posts: 5 Member
    eating after exercise is best as you will need to refuel youre body, but also you burn extra calories for quite some time after you finish exercise so the fact that you are going to bed wont matter you will still burn.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I like a glass of 1% chocolate milk and 30 Almonds for a post Workout snack... I could never come home from an intense workout without having something to eat....