Jogging Stroller Recommendations

I've recently started running again and although I enjoy the much needed "me time" (a rare occurrence) I'm looking for a jogging stroller so that I can take my daughter along with me during my runs. My dream stroller would be a BOB Revolution but that is totally out of the budget as of now. I'm looking for something closer to the $150 range. Any recommendations and reviews would be oh so helpful!



  • jobryan4
    jobryan4 Posts: 138 Member
    bump - I was just going to ask the same question... anyone have suggestions??
  • rebecca_d35
    rebecca_d35 Posts: 131
    Oh, bummer. I was going to say "BOB." Have you looked at Craigslist for used ones? There are always several for sale in my area.
  • jobryan4
    jobryan4 Posts: 138 Member
    Thanks for the suggestion, Rebecca. I have been watching craigslist. For those that are looking I found a good comparison article that also points out what features are important. I think I might go with the Schwinn free runner if I can't grab one from craigslist.
  • leadoff
    leadoff Posts: 136 Member
    My wife uses the BOB. We purchased it from Craigslist a few years back. She loves it!
  • ritmeyer
    ritmeyer Posts: 136 Member
    I have to say a BOB revolution. I would really stay on top of craigslist, or if you can save up, do it. If you plan to run often, it is really worth it. I use my double and it's my only stroller. I do run about 15-20 miles a week with my kids, so it's a must for me. I got mine brand new off of craigslist.

    Good luck
  • runningmaria
    runningmaria Posts: 11 Member
    I've got the City Classic by Baby Jogger (double) and I love it! I agree that CL is a good place to look and you can also check out Sometimes they will have last seasons items at discounted prices (that's how I got my stroller) and I'm pretty sure they always have free shipping on orders over $100.
  • AnnieHedgpeth
    AnnieHedgpeth Posts: 3 Member
    I would definitely stalk Craig's List for an affordable Bob Revolution. I'm not exaggerating when I say that it changed my life. :)
  • mandy_freeman
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    I've got the City Classic by Baby Jogger (double) and I love it!

    Baby Jogger's City Classic technically is not intended for jogging, despite the name. The manuals on that series, all of them I believe, say: "DO NOT exceed 3mph – this stroller is not suitable for running, jogging, skating or roller blading." I do know people who jog with them, however.

    If you can swing it, the BOB Revolution really is a great running and all purpose stroller. I do see them on CL in the $150-200 range sometimes. The good news is that if you keep it in good condition, you can re-sell it when you're done with it and recoup virtually all the money you spent if you buy it used.
  • AllDayMzAmberJ
    AllDayMzAmberJ Posts: 46 Member
    If you just need a single jogging stroller, I have a JEEP jogging stroller and it's great. Very Smooth ride, it has a little car steering wheel in the front which keeps the babies/toddlers somewhat entertained, and of course cup holders, under basket, etc.

    Now if anyone had recommendations for a DOUBLE JOGGER that's what I need now. I have the Baby Trend Navigator, but if you go too fast, I.e. jog, it starts to shake violently. Or you have to lock the front wheels, and then no shaking, but turning is now OUT OF THE QUESTION...

    Either way, Craigslist is the way to go. So many people are getting rid of very gently used things.
  • kpittman0612
    I have the Baby Trend Expedition Double Stroller and my 3 year old and 18 month old LOVE it! It rides very smooth and it's effortless to push which is good because I usually feel like I am dying when I'm jogging! This past Saturday my 18 month old son fell asleep while I was jogging and slept the entire time so that goes to show it's smooth!!! I got mine on Ebay and paid $140 and shipping was free. That was July of 2011.
  • ritmeyer
    ritmeyer Posts: 136 Member
    If you just need a single jogging stroller, I have a JEEP jogging stroller and it's great. Very Smooth ride, it has a little car steering wheel in the front which keeps the babies/toddlers somewhat entertained, and of course cup holders, under basket, etc.

    Now if anyone had recommendations for a DOUBLE JOGGER that's what I need now. I have the Baby Trend Navigator, but if you go too fast, I.e. jog, it starts to shake violently. Or you have to lock the front wheels, and then no shaking, but turning is now OUT OF THE QUESTION...

    Either way, Craigslist is the way to go. So many people are getting rid of very gently used things.

    I have the BOB revolution duallie. LOVE IT!!! I rollerblade behind it with the wheel in swivle mode and it is smooth, never shakes. I have friend's that have baby trend & schwinn, and they shake just running. I adore my BOB. It also fits through all door openings so it is our only double stroller.
  • pinkstarr
    pinkstarr Posts: 27
    Thanks everyone for the recommendations. I went ahead and bit the bullet and bought the BOB Revolution SE. I stalked Craigslist for awhile but nothing really showed up. I found a place online that has them for about $75 less that MSRP so I went with them. I'll treat it as an investment since I plan to use it for quite a long time. There's no turning back now. I better become a real "runner" :).
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    Thanks everyone for the recommendations. I went ahead and bit the bullet and bought the BOB Revolution SE. I stalked Craigslist for awhile but nothing really showed up. I found a place online that has them for about $75 less that MSRP so I went with them. I'll treat it as an investment since I plan to use it for quite a long time. There's no turning back now. I better become a real "runner" :).

    You're going to love it :) and remember, you can always sell it later!
  • duvaroo
    duvaroo Posts: 18
    good choice! Someone gave me the zooper jogging stroller, and it totally sucks. it's heavy, and the front wheel doesn't pivot.
  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    I was going to say BOB too! I love my BOB, found it on Craigslist for 1/2 the cost!
  • Mom0fTwo
    Mom0fTwo Posts: 326 Member
    I have a wee attaches to your bike and converts to a jogger also, 2 for 1 :) got mine online for $125
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    I loved my Schwinn, the company gave great customer service too. Especially considering I bought it used from eBay...and they still sent me replacement parts.

    I am a tall runner with heavy kids, if that helps. I picked a model with the adjustable front wheel so I could lock it in place for running or swivel for shopping.

    I ran that thing until the wheel fell off and the frame broke, until I couldn't jam my kids into it any more. I wanted to cry when I gave it up.
  • mhardest
    mhardest Posts: 49 Member
    I got a BOB revolution from Craiglslist. If you are serious about running than I say it is worth the extra money. I use it as my daily stroller, too. Love it....
  • GoalSixPack

    Just got mine off free shipping. Love it. Check between the red and blue on models. Red was 40$ more then blue. Really Like it. Folds up a lot smaller then our friends jogger.