
I've seen a lot of success story posts about the 30 Day Shred. People on this site seem to rave about it! But I've had a few friends tell me that the Insanity program is awesome too.

Has anyone tried it? What were your results?


  • swilk627
    swilk627 Posts: 245 Member
    I think I'm in the minority, but I found 30DS to be incredibly boring. I just started Insanity on Thursday and it's anything but boring! It is super intense and I'm loving it so far.
  • pumpkinisland
    Insanity is awesome! I love it. Started on 6 Feb and haven't missed one single workout! The changes in my body and my strength is noticeable! It is nothing but Shawn T! I did 30 DS and Ripped in 30 and they don't compare to Insanity!
  • mkayb1
    mkayb1 Posts: 21
    I'm starting week 3 of Insanity and I really like it because you get results pretty quickly, it's very intense and far from boring. However, if you have any knee or back problems you might want to choose a different workout as there's a lots of jumping. I LOVE it and I love the challenge. Although, I can't keep up with it yet. The people on screen can't either, so that makes me feel better when I take a breather! :-)
  • khagador
    khagador Posts: 175 Member
    I started Insanity today! I had a friend that did a lot of the beach body videos including Insanity and Insanity Asylum. It's hard to tell results on him though because he's ripped and used a lot of videos before Insanity.
  • Reckabek
    Reckabek Posts: 487 Member
    I would love to do insanity, but find for money reasons jillian michaels dvds to be much more reasonable! And great results as well.
  • jprid88
    jprid88 Posts: 17 Member
    I love insanity. Ive just finished two weeks of it and ive lost 5lbs already. I did p90x dou les before I got ptegnant and got great results and during my pregnancy I really let myself go. I tried to go back to p90x but was bored.
  • PennStateChick
    PennStateChick Posts: 327 Member
    I have completed the first four weeks of Insanity. I absolutely LOVE IT! I start the Recovery Week next week. I'm excited to try a new video. The boyfriend and I are doing Insanity together. It is so much fun and keeps me very motivated.

    I have had fantastic results between the two Fit Tests I have completed at this point. I was able to do A LOT more reps during the Fit Test in just two weeks. I also lost inches right away. I also feel SOOOO much stronger. I haven't lost a large amount of weight, but I feel so MUCH better.
  • will010574
    will010574 Posts: 761 Member
    I'm about to start week 4 of insanity and it is fantastic! Fit tests everyb2 weeks to test progress and for me at least about 3 lbs a week weight loss. I absolutely hate it and love it at the same time. Highly recommend insanity!
  • glittermouse
    glittermouse Posts: 590 Member
    Insanity is amazing. I'm only a week into my second attempt at it. It is ROUGH, so at first it was discouraging that I couldn't keep up with everyone. Don't let that stop you. Go at your own pace, give it 100% and you'll see results quickly. My 100% is probably like 10% of what Shaun T can do, but I'm still amazed by how much I've improved and how I can already see a difference in how I look.
  • mill1295
    mill1295 Posts: 120 Member
    I loved doing insanity.. but it pretty much destroyed my knees.. and I hadn't had knee problems before.. be very careful. I'd still be doing it if I could.
  • swall0810
    swall0810 Posts: 148 Member
    I started with the 30DS and couldn't do it because I got bored with it. I am starting month 2 of Insanity tomorrow and I have pretty good results. I posted a thread with my pictures in it on Friday.
  • tenshiblue
    tenshiblue Posts: 150 Member
    I tried Insanity for 2 days. At this point I find it too challenging for my fitness level. I'm sticking with 30DS for now. I plan on either doing more Jillian Michael's workouts or Turbo Fire after my 30DS. After I'm more fit, then I'll attempt Insanity again.
  • sheshe3081
    I'm new to MFP. I'm gonna start Insanity for my workout. How do I log my Insanity to my exercise on here?
  • vieilleame
    vieilleame Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks for all of your responses! I think I'm going to give it a try!!! :)
  • khagador
    khagador Posts: 175 Member
    I'm new to MFP. I'm gonna start Insanity for my workout. How do I log my Insanity to my exercise on here?

    I just logged it as calisthenics. Best thing to do though is wear a HRM so you can calculate how many calories you burned. I didn't do it my first time and I think MFP shortchanged the total.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    LOVE the Insanity workouts. I use them to cross-train between Turbofire, P90X, and running regularly. Insanity kicks my little white behind, in all the best ways, and I love those workouts for their sheer exhaustion level over the others I use.. Totally recommend them.

    And if you're going to do it, buy a heart rate monitor, and keep track that way, because I found that the "estimates" for exercises on here are usually 100-300 calories off for me.
  • Zara150
    Zara150 Posts: 53 Member
    DO You guys know how many calories you lose when doing Insanity???
  • PennStateChick
    PennStateChick Posts: 327 Member
    Because the workout changes every night, you burn different calories for each of them. I seriously burn about 200 calories with just the WARM UP though. I think the lowest amount burned (other than my rest day) is on Cardio Recovery Day. I only burn about 300ish that day. Other than that- I am able to burn between 450-650 dependin on the day. (I've only done month 1 at this point so I assume next month will be even higher numbers occasionally.) The boyfriend does it with me and burns more. I think he's hit high 800s in calories burned.

    Remember though, everyone is different. Your calories burned won't be the same as mine or the boyfriends. We wear heart rate monitors to determine our calories burnt. We have also found that our calories can vary greatly depending on our moods. If we really push, we can burn a lot more calories than the nights that we just aren't feeling it. :-)