Check out my Spring break extravaganza!!!! :D

Hey there everyone! I am so glad you have all decided to come to this site in hopes of meeting you personal goal whatever they may be. I set out this year with the intention of losing 100 pounds this year. It has been a bumpy road and little progress has been made. Why am I telling you this? Not to discourage you...this site is amazing and encouraging and I wouldn't even be logging food if it weren't for this site. (That's a bit part of just losing weight) I am telling you this because I wanted to share my experience with you through my videos. You can watch all of my trials and tribulations. Know that you are not alone in whatever struggles you are facing and if you need another friend then know that I am open to be a friend to anyone on here!

I am currently a college student studying engineering and as such my schedule is crazy busy all of the time. Right now I am on spring break and I decided since I hadn't been posting videos as much as I would like in the last couple weeks (ugh mid terms) that I would do a daily vlog for the entirety of my spring break. I would love it if you all would check out my channel at and friend me on here if you would like.

Hope to see you around!
