peanut butter - what kind is best?

Since joining this site just under 2 weeks ago I have saw "peanut butter" mentioned so many times I cant count lol..... I Love it but assumed it was bad for me with the saturated fat in it, I normally buy sun pat peanut butter.

Question ... What is the best type to buy, is there a "good" make or are they all much the same?


  • cowgirlslikeus86
    cowgirlslikeus86 Posts: 597 Member
    I buy Almond or Sunflower butter from the organic isle.
  • mbts08
    mbts08 Posts: 284 Member
    Any nut butter with the ingredients only being nuts is the best. I love almond butter.
  • 0EmmeNicole0
    0EmmeNicole0 Posts: 180 Member
    Yeah i eat a lot of almond butter, and try to keep it as natural as possible. But if i run out and all we have left in the house is store brand peanut butter, i will happily eat that as well.
  • Jolie1971
    Jolie1971 Posts: 51
    I LOVE PB2!! I recently ordered it from Amazon and will be making my second order soon. It is only 45 calories/2 tbsp. It is worth the money. You can research the company, Bell Plantation, online. I am so glad I tried this since even low cal. pnut butter has a lot of calories.
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    i like peanut and almond butter, and i grind it myself at whole foods!
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    My nutritionist actually told me that it was very healthy to have one serving of peanuts or nuts a day. I eat more peanut butter than I ever have in my whole life, and I am losing weight and feeling very healthy. I bought the grocery store brand (Compliments) for economical reasons only to find that I much prefer the taste of it anyway. Right now I have Compliments regular smooth peanut butter in my cupboard, as well as Compliments smooth, natural and organic peanut butter in my fridge. Both are delicious!
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    I LOVE PB2!! I recently ordered it from Amazon and will be making my second order soon. It is only 45 calories/2 tbsp. It is worth the money. You can research the company, Bell Plantation, online. I am so glad I tried this since even low cal. pnut butter has a lot of calories.

    They don`t sell that around here yet, but I might give it try once they do. I am curious though--how do they make peanuts so low in calories? Do they add something to it?

    Edit: or I could just look up Bell Plantation. LOL I should really read the ENTIRE post before I respond....
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    I get Sanitarium natural PB with no added sugar & salt
  • eightpock
    eightpock Posts: 61
    The wife and I use PB2.. Good stuff
  • hsandall
    hsandall Posts: 106 Member
    I eat almond butter or PB2!!!!
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I love Krema brand peanut butter. The only ingredient is peanuts, not even any salt added.
  • cbl40
    cbl40 Posts: 281 Member
    PB2 is powdered. You can use it in shakes or in recipes where you want the peanut butter taste. I have a container here to try, but haven't tried it yet. You are supposed to mix it with water to make it spreadable, but I heard it doesn't taste that great when you do that.
  • karliekins
    karliekins Posts: 27 Member
    I like Justin's.
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    so for those that have eaten both pb2 and regular peanut butter, is the texture AND taste REALLY the same one pb2 is prepared?
  • Evelyn_22
    Evelyn_22 Posts: 70 Member
    I buy trader joes peanut butter. There is 1 ingredient, Roasted peanuts. :)
  • Chloe_Chaos_
    Chloe_Chaos_ Posts: 150 Member
    Jiff or PB2. If I have a jones for real peanut butter, I eat it. If I'm just looking for a peanut butter flavor I'll use PB2 but it doesn't satisfy the peanut butter monkey that lives on my back! lol
  • tnrunningnurse
    tnrunningnurse Posts: 549 Member
    I use Smucker's natural creamy or trans it.
  • Zarebeth
    Zarebeth Posts: 136 Member
    I like "Just Good Stuff" powdered peanut butter. 20 calories a tablespoon. Ingredients: peanuts, coconut sugar and salt. Organic and natural.

    I haven't tried it on bread, but it is great on crackers and the powder is amazing mixed into yogurt. I think it is great! Tastes very natural. You can adjust the thickness by how much water you put in.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    peanut butter is only bad for you if you have trouble digesting legumes. Saturated fat is good for you.
    That said, I adore Peanut Butter & Co's stuff.
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    I haven't tried it on bread, but it is great on crackers and the powder is amazing mixed into yogurt.

    Ooooh that sounds yummy! Good idea!