It doesn't happen overnight, so be proud of yourself today :

I see a lot of posts about people getting frustrated because the scale doesn't move after 3 days or 2 weeks in the gym isn't showing much progress. SLOW DOWN. I myself have been frustrated as well. But we have to remember this doesn't happen over night. It will take months and for some of us maybe even years to lose the weight that took months/years to put on.

Just because the scale doesn't move or you don't see much progress in short periods of time, stop stressing out so much! If you are doing the right thing and going about your weight loss/shaping up the right way then you should be proud of yourself. Much of this hit me today when I was looking in the mirror, which I have started doing obsessively looking for changes, and realized that I have done SO well and I have come so far EVEN with my setbacks. Since I started changing the way I eat from last November I have lost 24 pounds and plenty of inches (much of which I hadn't started measuring until January).

Just take a step back, don't fret if you eat a candy bar once in a while or the scale says one thing even if you've been working hard. No one is perfect and REAL progress takes time. Just be glad that you are doing something to make that change and that there is such a great community of support (and haters, but they can be fun too! =P) here to help you along the way.


  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    I think I'm a thread killer...before it even starts! lol
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,179 Member
    It's discouraging sometimes, but entirely true. A+ for this post.
  • johncaraher
    johncaraher Posts: 44 Member
    It does need to be said, over and over again, and you said it well :)
  • pirjo1955
    pirjo1955 Posts: 11 Member
    That's SO true ! And good for you for losing 24 lbs,and lots of inches !
    I had lost a lot of weight several years ago, while on WW, but gradually, over the years, it has inched back up. I decided in January that it was finally time to help my health again, and that would help my high blood pressure, and my arthritic knee. I told my coworkers (who have been praying that I would lose weight for years), that I am making a lifestyle change, I am NOT going on a diet ! (They both tend to be a little intense, and I am to old to want to have Diet Police around me.)
    I did try to begin setting myself up for success, but didn't follow through properly. Today, for the first day, I tracked my entire day of eating and drinking ! I also finally had time to relax, and sit through the first CDs of a hypnosis weight loss program I recently ordered. One step at a time.......
    My immediate goal is to track every day this week. Even if I am not within the calories the system recommends, just writing everything down will get me started in thinking the right way again. Hopefully I will see a few less pounds by March 31st.
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    That's SO true ! And good for you for losing 24 lbs,and lots of inches !
    I had lost a lot of weight several years ago, while on WW, but gradually, over the years, it has inched back up. I decided in January that it was finally time to help my health again, and that would help my high blood pressure, and my arthritic knee. I told my coworkers (who have been praying that I would lose weight for years), that I am making a lifestyle change, I am NOT going on a diet ! (They both tend to be a little intense, and I am to old to want to have Diet Police around me.)
    I did try to begin setting myself up for success, but didn't follow through properly. Today, for the first day, I tracked my entire day of eating and drinking ! I also finally had time to relax, and sit through the first CDs of a hypnosis weight loss program I recently ordered. One step at a time.......
    My immediate goal is to track every day this week. Even if I am not within the calories the system recommends, just writing everything down will get me started in thinking the right way again. Hopefully I will see a few less pounds by March 31st.

    Don't give up! Doing it the right way is really the only way if you ask me. There should be no extremes, you should be able to enjoy what you want within moderation and do what you can as far as activity. I sent you a friends request if you need some support :)

    Thanks everyone for the comments :)
  • bemott
    bemott Posts: 180
    Right on! Thanks for this. Boost I needed to start my week. :-)
  • MonkeyFlower
    MonkeyFlower Posts: 92 Member
    Just what i needed to hear today :)
  • swthrtsmrf
    swthrtsmrf Posts: 384
    Love this! You are so very right. I wish more people on here thought like this! We are all getting healthy and that is the important thing.
  • So true!
  • craigers13
    craigers13 Posts: 241 Member
    Good post, well said. I'm sending a friend request :)
  • xoFlo
    xoFlo Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks for posting that...I've been discouraged things aren't happening faster and when I get discouraged I tend to blow it...which I did this weekend. Your words help and your long term outlook and success (24 lbs gone!) is inspirational. I appreciate you taking the time to write what you did. I'll keep at it!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Possibly most favorite post ever.

    My fave quote atm? : Don't quit because of how long it will take you to succeed on something, the time will pass anyway.

    24 pounds is AWESOME! Nice work (:

    I think we always look at how far we have to go rather than how far we have come.
    Last night I tried on a shirt I had at my biggest and that showed how much I had really lost, I sat there blubbering for a bit lol.
    And when I am say doing bicep curls with 15kg or something I'm just like dudee I've lost more weight than this! Really helps! I wanna do that thing when you put a bag on your back with how much you've lost in it but I'm worried about it because I have a bad back.
  • Thatsdatdiva601
    Thatsdatdiva601 Posts: 209 Member
    I agree!
  • sam9362
    sam9362 Posts: 1
    I completely agree.
  • wdwghettogirl
    wdwghettogirl Posts: 559 Member
    100% agree. Don't focus on being "skinny", focus on getting healthy! That was my goal this time around (I've tried umpteen times to "get skinny" before... FAIL!). And I've succeeded, for the first time, with this new mindset!

    Congrats on 24lbs!! And keep tracking those inches!
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    agree :bigsmile:
  • JamesThiel
    JamesThiel Posts: 85 Member
    Ask your self how long does it take to change a habit and then your life. More than a couple of weeks that's for darn sure
    , Hence that is why there are so many Gastric By-pass failures, because there are some looking for that quick fix, but they don't change their behavior.. doomed to fail

    Also ask your do you feel, (Probably the most important part of all this ) I now can walk 5-6 miles and not be short of breath, my pulse rate has dropped, and my B/P is within normal limits, My cholesterol has dropped significantly just by simply walking......

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • caehudson
    caehudson Posts: 27 Member
    Thank you for this post! It is so very true. I have been pretty frustrated lately, because I have been same weight for about 3 weeks. I have been exercising and watching what I have been eating. I think we all expect to see our hard work pay off everyday or atleast once a week. And it doesnt work that away. Like you said we didnt put it on overnight so it wont come off overnight. As long as we are making changes and are heading in the right direction. Then we are on the right path and in time we will be rewarded for all our hard work. We need to be led by our goals instead of being led by our failure. Always remember: You are worth it. Good luck everyone.
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    So true!!
    I only lost 0.6 pounds this week, but it was a huge improvement from 0.2 last week. I felt a huge sense of accomplishment because of this. People also need to remember that if the weight is slowly coming off, then it will most likely be fat loss rather than water, and is much more likely to stay off!

    Keep on going everyone. I'm sure y'all are doing just fine! :)
  • Skinny girls look good in clothing, fit girls look good naked!

    No matter how long your weightloss journey is, you have already taken the first few steps. When you think you can't do it, remember that you are & you have already done the hardest part. You found the start point and took your first steps towards change.

    Well done! Now smile & keep going. ;)