Socks/shoes for walking?

Hi guys,

I am having a problem with my feet getting too wet/sweaty when I walk and it's driven my eczema crazy. Basically, I haven't been able to go for a proper walk in 3 weeks now and it's killing me inside. I will spare you the gory details (and pictures) but my feet are raw and peely.

Anyway, I really need to know what are the best pair of socks to wear when I'm going to sweat. I need something that's going to keep my feet as dry as possible. Money is no object - exercising and losing weight is more important to me than saving a buck.

I wear New Balance sneakers and I just bought a new pair for maximum dryness. Now all I need are the right socks. It's probably going to be a little longer before my feet have healed enough to go out again, and I'm seeing my dermatologist in a week for a follow-up. They are in good enough shape to go out and do activities, but the 3.25 mph walking that I do for 30-60 minutes a day requires my feet to be better.

Help me out, please!?


    BIGJIMMYU Posts: 1,221 Member
    I can run with my NIKE runner's socks(white) and white New Balance 400 sneakers for an hour and my feet are barely damp. Both socks and sneakers are vented really well and both white which doesn't absorb heat as much. Especially outside in sunny weather.
  • ahipsher
    ahipsher Posts: 46 Member
    Perhaps a pair of diabetic socks. I couldn't tell you a brand from experience, but I know that they're made with fibers that are specifically for keeping your feet dry.
  • crimsontech
    crimsontech Posts: 234 Member
    Ooh, runner's socks. Sounds intriguing. I'll check out both of those suggestions. Thanks!!