starting fresh again on Monday after a bad weekend



  • shafferbrandy10
    Same here . It was my 15 year olds B-day Time to get back on track ..WE ALL CAN DO IT.

    Now i just have to get everyone at work to eat the bean dip and cup cakes just knowing its here is killing me lol
  • kirstenleo
    kirstenleo Posts: 23 Member
    Just call it a SPIKE day and move forward. Ya gotta enjoy life especially around birthday time
  • SCUBAMomofTwo
    Just call it a SPIKE day and move forward. Ya gotta enjoy life especially around birthday time

    That's what I do!

    I have made peace with the fact that I simply AM NOT going to "diet" on the weekends. I don't, as a general rule, go CRAZY....but I enjoy dinners out, homemade bread, the occasional beer, and (this weekend) black jelly beans and then Monday morning it's back to business as usual.
  • Lauren_666
    Lauren_666 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm feeling exactly the same. I've decided that I won't stick religiously to the plan on weekends but I will try to make more healthy choices for the meals that I'm not too fussed about.

    I ordered my favourite (really really fattening) dish at my favourite restaurant but went for a lighter sandwich at work.

    Feeling positive about this week too :)
  • tiamaria3
    tiamaria3 Posts: 92 Member
    it's good to know i'm not the only one!! but today is a new day to start fresh,hoping for a better week :happy:
  • ValleryK
    ValleryK Posts: 16
    Oh yes. It's been 4 days of non-stop eating for me. Especially chocolate non-stop eating. I feel very disappointed in myself, doubting that I even CAN start fresh. I've been so good for ~9 weeks...
  • smitt_3000
    You can do it :)
  • ambernev
    ambernev Posts: 1
    I went over my calorie intake on both Sat & Sun.. But it's a new week! :)
    Keep at it.
  • nallynell
    nallynell Posts: 17
    I did the exact same thing this weekend as it was my birthday weekend too!
    Glad to know i'm not the only one who didn't workout or eat right, as awful as that may sound.
    Weekend's over, new week begins. Time to continue with the healthier and fit lifestyle I have put on hold
    for the weekend!
  • BlackStarlight
    BlackStarlight Posts: 554 Member
    Hey huni
    Good luck today look at it as a one off weekend and youll start again you can do this I know you can!!! xx
  • dg09
    dg09 Posts: 754
    As long as you get back at it, which you are, a day/weekend like this won't destroy you. I used to have weekly cheat days probably x2 worse than your weekend, just ignore the water if you retained any and keep going.
  • missmuertos
    missmuertos Posts: 15 Member
    I think in order to see this is as a sustainable lifestyle choice, you have to give yourself some days off every now and then and be able to enjoy the odd meal out/bottle of wine/family size bag of malteasers without fear of the scales the next day. As long as it doesn't become an everyday occurence, you'll be just fine :)