How do you know who to add?

I know this seems a little funny but how do you know who to add? Do i go through and add all the cute men? jk You know what i mean?.. i always feel strange asking someone to be my friend.. I do have a big issue with standing out and just going for it . maybe b/c for so many years people made fun of me for what i did. :()


  • yocherries
    I usually add people with similar goals or similar ages, just so you can give and receive advice that's more relatable.
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    You can add me :) I add people who are new and need friends or if I find someones post funny.
  • dmchiz
    dmchiz Posts: 184 Member
    I also look for similar type goals or people, but tonight has been fun because several new people have ased for friends and a bunch of us just all added each other- what the heck! The more support the better! I'll add you... :)
  • mrsmel55
    mrsmel55 Posts: 168
    I sent you a friends request. Not a good looking man, just an old fat lady losing weight and getting healthy. LOL
  • superstankazz
    Well, I'm new too and I don't have many friends yet so I just send people requests as I come across them on the message boards or if they comment on one of my posts.
  • mahutch1
    mahutch1 Posts: 37 Member
    Know what you mean. I socialize on Facebook and all but this is all new to me. I want to start a walking group in my area and don't know how to quite go about it. If you figure it out, could you let me know? :smile:
  • EmilyMae12
    EmilyMae12 Posts: 61 Member
    I usually add people who seem really supportive in the forums, along with people with goals like mine.
  • trijohnny
    trijohnny Posts: 15

    Add people who you feel are geniune about what they post0. If they are obvouisly here to get feed back, and such, from people about their workout, befreind them. If they do not care about your questions or comments steer clear.

  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    I've been wondering that too. Mostly I've been looking for people who seem supportive as opposed to overly aggressive or on some sort of misson. Some people list interests as a way of finding things in common, but that doesn't seem to make much sense to me. It's not likely that they're going to live round the corner, after all. Some of the challenges are looking good, but to be honest I haven't been very brave so far :( It's just to know that others out there are going through the same experience. Welcome though!
  • trijohnny
    trijohnny Posts: 15
    Nice way to protude ahead
  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    I mostly just added woman cause I have never liked men to know what I weigh. :grumble: Doesn't mean I wouldn't accept men but not going out of my way to friend them.
  • Beccababe01
    Thanks for the heads up. :)
  • alise_lmx
    alise_lmx Posts: 292 Member
    I usually add someone if I see that they wrote a blog I find useful or said something interesting in the forums. I usually message them and say "I saw you in the forums and thought you were funny/similar goals as me/smart so I thought I would add you! I've never gotten a no so far :)

    Or you can go to the "introduce yourself" forum and post that you are looking for some friends.

    feel free to add me if you like!
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    I know this seems a little funny but how do you know who to add? Do i go through and add all the cute men? jk You know what i mean?.. i always feel strange asking someone to be my friend.. I do have a big issue with standing out and just going for it . maybe b/c for so many years people made fun of me for what i did. :()

    Why did people make fun of you for what you did?

    Anyway, I had never thought of searching for what one of my friends refers to as "male blanket material" on this site, so that's a great tip!:wink:
  • alise_lmx
    alise_lmx Posts: 292 Member
    oh also if you are active on the forums people will start requesting you, like if they keep seeing you and decide they want to be your friend.
  • carlongo75
    Hi Becca,

    For me the more the merrier !! So I usually add everybody. However, I just send invitaction to people with same goals, people who profile looks genuine.

    I like to have friends who are active part of the web by participating in the forums and blogs, also I like friends who are willing to encourage me and people who offer me their support and experience.

    I hope this help!!

    All the best and happy cal counting :)
  • Beccababe01
    people would make fun of me for just about everything. Just to make themselves feel better. I just need to get out of the hole and be stronger then they are, But be like them... just stronger then they are.
  • Beccababe01
    Thanks. i am on here everyday counting what i eat and what i do for workouts. pretty new to blogs.. not sure what they are.
  • CuteAndCurvy83
    CuteAndCurvy83 Posts: 570 Member
    I usually approve anyone who requests me, but otherwise I try to find people who have reached goals that I want, or if we are on the same journey.
  • alise_lmx
    alise_lmx Posts: 292 Member
    people would make fun of me for just about everything. Just to make themselves feel better. I just need to get out of the hole and be stronger then they are, But be like them... just stronger then they are.

    I used to get made fun of a lot in elementary, junior, and some of high school. Eventually I learned that if you don't take it, people won't dish it. Now if someone I meet is like that, I never even try to interact again. I've learned to surround myself with only supportive friends. Don't be afraid to cut jerks out of your life! It's not worth it. And I think what they say is true about people that are bullies like that just trying to compensate for their own unhappiness with themselves. It's like they can't stand to see people be happier than them.