Dreadful smoking!!!!!



  • I quit xmas eve 2010 cold turkey. After 22 years I was ready. Did it on my own. No prescription, no support from others. After the first week it became really easy but you just have to be really reasy to quit.

    When i smell cig smoke now.. it reminds me of my weakness back then and actually makes me a little angry
  • mikey1976
    mikey1976 Posts: 1,005 Member
    you guys and gals should be praised for making a life change style it will save your life in the long run. i lost my dad due to cancer 20 years ago and i now have an uncle on his death bed right now all due to smoking. i'm so happy for you all. your awesome
  • petreebird
    petreebird Posts: 344 Member
    I smoked for 22 years. I'd been pondering the idea for months but always tried to set a quit date within 30, like they say your supposed too. Well, that doesn't work for me, I'm the kind of person that when I make up my mind to do something and summon all of my willpower to do it, I do it right then and there...not later when I have had time to change my mind.
    When I decided it was time, it was like, right then, last one, now! I have used the patch, although I haven't gained any weight AND I'm only using the patch for 1/2 the time I'm supposed too. I just couldn't do the cold turkey, it actually made me physically sick the last time I tried.
  • jimsuzy
    jimsuzy Posts: 20 Member
    I quit about 3 years ago. What convinced me was my kids.....how could I tell them not to do something that I did on a regular basis. I had attempted to quit numerous times before as I was a smoker for 23 years, but once I decided to actually do it and that it wasnt ok to sneak one occasionally was when I was finally able to do it. I think I looked at smoking the same as I have for food for many years. That it is ok as long as I could sneak one (cig or brownie) occasionally. It really is a matter of willpower. I know how hard it is to get to the point where you are just done with them, but it can be done I promise. One thing that really helped me was some advice from a friend of mine....Remember if you start again, that means you have to do this all over again one day. Whether it was one day, 1 month or 1 year, there was no way I wanted to have to do it again. :)