Need motivation to finish a challenge!

I have about 4 weeks left of a 3 month journey doing the 911 fitness challenge with some friends. The 911 fitness challenge is a nationwide challenge for law enforcement, EMS, Fire fighters and Civilians. You pay a fee, and form teams to see who can lose the most weight and gain the most muscle. It is split into two regions east and West and the winner from each region wins $5000 dollars.

I dont have any expectations of winning 5 grand but it was a kickstart to get in better shape. I started at 219.6 pounds and 28.6% body fat and am currently down to 200.2 pounds and 14.6% bodyfat. I am 6'2 and 39yrs old just for the record.

The problem is I am starting to lose my inspiration towards the end of this with everything going on in life and could use some encouragement and ideas to help me reach my goals. My goal is to be less than 10% bodyfat and weigh about 195. So if anyone wants to add me as a friend and get my butt going again, that would be great.


  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    I'm going to say it here as well as send a request but here it goes:
    You're doing fantastically. After nearly 3 months and you've accomplished so much!! You're almost done so why give up now? You may not get where you want but you've gained so much more in the long run. Keep it up!!
  • fockstar7783
    fockstar7783 Posts: 2 Member
    I'll help support you! Great job so far on the weight loss too!
  • lurkette
    lurkette Posts: 25 Member
    You know what works for me? Horror. No, I'm serious. Look up episodes of Heavy on A&E, watch Supersize vs Superskinny and Big Meets Bigger on youtube. (The Argentinia episode made me gag, but it got my butt moving!) Good luck.
  • vestarocks
    vestarocks Posts: 420 Member
    Don't you dare quit. You've come too far. Life is crazy but we can't let it derail us. I don't have any brilliant ideas for switching things up to get you over this speedbump but I'm happy to cheer you on.
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    You've lost 14% body fat in 2 months- that is amazing.
    Maybe you should give yourself an incentive-like the loser of the team wears a tutu for a day, or a little girl wig with pigtails, since those ballerinas are pretty strong.
    Feel free to add me if you like. I can be sweet and supportive or sarcastic and taunting...whatever you think will motivate you best.
  • Thanks for the replies. We do have a side bet going on the team each of us put in $50 and it goes to the winner. I was just losing motivation, work, going to college (again lol), kids, blah blah blah. Feeling more motivated already :smile:
  • Still looking for more friends to motivate me to finish this challenge strong. I will also try to motivate and help you reach your goals as well.
  • You know what works for me? Horror. No, I'm serious. Look up episodes of Heavy on A&E, watch Supersize vs Superskinny and Big Meets Bigger on youtube. (The Argentinia episode made me gag, but it got my butt moving!) Good luck.

    You know this might work, lol. Will have to try it.
  • Still needing more friends to push me on my way!
  • vestarocks
    vestarocks Posts: 420 Member
    Still needing more friends to push me on my way!

    Sending a request.
  • Kinda of a dissappointing weigh in for tonight, I only lost .4 lbs and 2.1% body fat. I am at 199.8 lbs and 12.7% body fat. I might have reached my limit on weight loss and close to my limit on body fat lost. I started at 219.6 lbs and 28.1% body fat. 4 weeks left I guess i just keep building muscle and see what happens.
  • MTredhead
    MTredhead Posts: 8 Member
    Im fairly sure our guys have something similar. My firefighter buddies talk about the stairclimb challenge. You've obviously done an amazing job, but dont lose motivation now... You'd hate to get yer *kitten* beat by Montana boys ;)
  • nedayaz
    nedayaz Posts: 2 Member
    Hi , i have lost 10 pounds, yay for me. but still have quite a ways to go. but i havent lost any more since. i dont know what to do. its hard to keep going when i feel like i am doing things the right way. i have been slacking keeping track.
  • Im fairly sure our guys have something similar. My firefighter buddies talk about the stairclimb challenge. You've obviously done an amazing job, but dont lose motivation now... You'd hate to get yer *kitten* beat by Montana boys ;)

    Nope cant let the Montana boys beat us lol, actually I think they would be in the west region :smile: But thanks for the encouragement.
  • Hi , i have lost 10 pounds, yay for me. but still have quite a ways to go. but i havent lost any more since. i dont know what to do. its hard to keep going when i feel like i am doing things the right way. i have been slacking keeping track.

    If you have lost ten pounds dont give up, refocus on keeping track and change up your routines (all good advice I have received from others lol)
  • Uggh, trying to up my aerobic excerise playing full court basketball for an hour, and I think I just did more damage to my body than good. Man does this old man hurt, lol. I am not 18 anymore.
  • lucky_74
    lucky_74 Posts: 30
    What a great challenge!!!
  • Well getting down to the end. Less than 3 weeks left, and what do I do? I get hurt playing basketball. I really messed up my ribs and can do almost no weight training or running.

    Anyone have any great ideas on what I can do to continue to push forward while injured? I am still doing arm workouts and legs but this is also limited.