Suggestions to help kickstart the weightloss?

So far I've lost 30 pounds. This is a great achievement, I know, and people have noticed and tell me I look great. BUT I still have a flabby belly and I want to shift another 14 pounds or so and I've hit a brick wall!

I've been on a high protein low carb healthy eating plan and have increased my activity recently by doing boxercise once a week, spinning at least twice plus walking/running as well as free weights and do a pilates class once a week for core work. All my scales are doing is fluctuating, down by a few pounds one week then back up the next.



  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    I lost 28 last year and hot a brick wall, didnt matter that i was going to gym 3 times a week and walking 2-3 tims a week also, On top of that I was eating healthy and low cals, I kept going for about 2 months thinking it would shift, I have no idea why ... so I took a long break (or huff) lol I maintained my weight for a year and now it seems to be coming off easily even thou Im not putting in half as much exercise as I was last year.......

    I have been reading about it allot and I think I know where I went wrong ... I done the same routine all the time, maybe a change of exercise would help kick start it again ... apparently the body gets used to the same routines and stops shedding the weight.

    Hope you find something that works Ill be watching this thread with interest :)
  • kimsciolino
    kimsciolino Posts: 240 Member
    Anytime I hit a brick wall I do a total body cleanse, This seems to always work for me. I will either go to my local health food store and have them suggest one for me or lately I have been doing the shakeology cleanse which I lose between 5-9lbs and it seems to jump start my metabolism.
    This is what works for me and I understand all of us are different and what works for me may not work for you.
    You are doing a great job with your exercise, Just keep thinking positive and keep moving foreward. And CONGRATS on your 30lb lose. AWESOME!!!