lost nothing... wtf!?!

hey guys,

I have been doing healthy eating on here for about 2 weeks and have started going to the gym a week ago (been 4 times thus far)
but have lost no weight!
I am currently 234/235 and am eating 1300 cals a day and burning 2200 - 3200 cals a week eating most of my exercise cals back. was mortified this week after doing zumba, circuits, pilates and general cardio and being good on my cals that I hadn't lost sod all :(
I thought week 1 was where people lost loads 'water weight' then it tapered out from there??

rant rant rant sorry lol
giving up is not an option but i thought things would be moving along nicely by now!


  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 588 Member
    screw the scale, take measurements and keep on doing what you are doing, the scale will move eventually but is a crappy indicator of progress.
  • Queen2day
    Queen2day Posts: 68 Member
    Don't let the lack of movement on the scale discourage you. The key to remember is that working out is building muscle AND muscle weighs more than fat. So it IS possible that you have lost fat but it has been offset by the growth of muscle. Like the previous poster stated, take measurements as well as it is possible to lose inches and not lose weight !!!
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    I notice you have really only logged during the week. The weekends no logging. This may be a clue. Maybe you are losing during hte week then gaining back during the weekend. You have to manage your lifestyle 7 /24 not only 4 days out of every 7.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Don't let the lack of movement on the scale discourage you. The key to remember is that working out is building muscle AND muscle weighs more than fat. So it IS possible that you have lost fat but it has been offset by the growth of muscle. Like the previous poster stated, take measurements as well as it is possible to lose inches and not lose weight !!!

    Okay... also... you didn't gain a bunch of muscle to offset the weight that much already!

    I looked at your food diary, there are days not logged in there, so I can't be sure how well you did for sure. Based on what you have entered, you are doing fine! When you work your muscles (especially with all the activity you've done) you will retain water. This seriously is multiple pounds while your muscles repair. Keep it up, watch those numbers and log every day! Also, take your measurements and take before/after pics! Its VERY important for you to see your progress that way!

    Also, I have a good blog post with information for beginners! Check out my blog, its a large bit of info! :D
  • kimsciolino
    kimsciolino Posts: 240 Member
    Hello! You cannot let the scale determine your results, I would first take measurements of your body and re-check them atleast every 2 weeks. Most people will agree that you will first start to lose inches before the scale will move (I don't know why this happens but it did happen for me), if you must weigh yourself do it once a week at the same time of the day wearing the same thing. Remember to STAY POSITIVE and take time to really think of yourself in the body you want. When you think this way positive things will happen. Good Luck and DON'T GIVE UP!! You can do this..
    take care
  • Queen2day
    Queen2day Posts: 68 Member
    I have looked at your food diary. There are days lacking entries, which those days may have something to do with not losing much weight, however, for the days that you have logged, I noticed that many of them had 3 things in common: you went over the daily limit on carbs and sugars. These two items are primary culprits of weight gain. Additionally, you haven't logged much drinking of water, which I have no idea if it is an oversight or if you haven't been drinking much water.

    Remember it does take time to lose weight as it wasn't put on overnight and it won't come off overnight. The daily goals are designed to help you lose 1 - 2 pounds per week, which you have logged that you lost a pound. Just keep going!!!! You can do it !!!
  • Ifly4free
    Ifly4free Posts: 203 Member
    It took me about 6 weeks to lose my first pound. I actually gained a couple before losing. It takes time. Your body will catch up. Just make sure you log everything you eat and drink, including any alcohol. You should see results soon.

    Good Luck!
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    screw the scale, take measurements and keep on doing what you are doing, the scale will move eventually but is a crappy indicator of progress.

    ^^^^^this....take measurements...

    also if you have a pair of pants that are too tight - use those as a gauge...try them on every week or so and see how much better they fit...

    You may be burning fat...which is what you want...so the scale may be slow going BUT your body composition will change...
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    I know how frustrating it is to work so hard and see no movement on the scale. It's not uncommon to not see movement on the scale for up to six weeks when you first start. What I did notice is that you don't seem to be logging your water intake consistently. Start doing this. Your body needs that water to be able more easily process everything and get rid of the excess. Also, make sure you log your food every day. When I first joined MFP I didn't want to log on the weekends. It seemed like too much work and I really didn't have the energy. But since I started tracking every day I've seen a vast improvement in my weight loss.

    HTH and good luck!
  • Deemost
    Deemost Posts: 1 Member
    I've lost 2 pounds since the start of myfitnesspal at end of February. It's going slow, however I have always heard that slow and steady wins the race so I'm not going to give up. I'm lovin myfitnesspal so far especially the app on my phone. It helps me stay more accountable in terms of my calorie intact and exercise goals. Don't give up!!! Stick with your goals and log in everything you take in. So far, I have gone over my suggested calorie intact, but I have learned to exercise more in order to combat what I have taken in.
  • nibbynoo
    nibbynoo Posts: 250 Member
    thank you guys!
    im religious with logging during the week when im at work and on the weekends i have unlimted fruit and veg with the recommended portions of carbs etc (i portion everything as i buy it and eat the same as i would any other day)

    finding ways to keep my carbs down and raise my protein but the sugar on here is very very low! switching things up for lower allternatives

    thank you for the posts guys, just needed a rant! :)
  • angelasmith230
    angelasmith230 Posts: 70 Member
    Don't give up! I read somewhere that it takes about 6 weeks for your body to adjust to the changes of a new diet and exercise regimen.

    I have found that to be true... anytime I start eating healthier and exercising more it takes about 6 weeks to start showing on the scale and after that I will consistently lose every week. Stick with it! :)
  • 19danno77
    19danno77 Posts: 84
    Keep up the good work! One phrase: water weight. With all the work you're doing, you're quite possibly retaining water in swollen muscles...not to be confused with bulking up (adding muscle tissue) but the inflammation process while your body is recooperating. You may be overdoing it and your body is overwhelmed with the damage repairs it must do from all the work you're doing during exercise. Diet--sodium intake--can also trigger water retention. Your body can only handle so much sodium and if you eat too much, your body must hold on to extra water to maintain your ionic balance. Lastly men and women both go through hormonal cycles that also trigger water weight gain/loss.

    Weigh every day, and from month-to-month you'll see the fruits of your labor in the form of a downward weight trend despite some weekly hiccups.
  • ElzbthStths
    ElzbthStths Posts: 26 Member
    Say what you want, but I eat way below my calorie intake. Every day. It's the ONLY thing that works. At my age - 53 - not much else works anymore, except that.

    I first noticed that I started fitting into my clothes better, than the scale had no choice but to MOVE! Always weigh yourself at the same time of day. After you pee. ALWAYS, ALWAYS, put the scale in the same place on the floor. This may sound anal, but I consider it more fair. Scales can all of a sudden shoot up a couple of pounds for no reason! You move the scale, it weighs differently.
    Weigh yourself before your coffee, remember, every 8 oz of liquid weighs 1/2 a lb.

    Also, are you eating lo cal foods that cause bloat? Sugars, like sodas, and carbs, like bread, bloat you. Drink Weightless Cranberry tea, it's good for you and takes off excess water.

    How are you doing on the weekends? Beer is an evil to weightloss. It's sugary, bready (yeast hops), makes you retain water, and gives you a boated belly from the fizz.

    Good Luck, KEEP TRYING! You will love yourself for your strength and how you look and FEEL will be AWESOME!
  • ElzbthStths
    ElzbthStths Posts: 26 Member
    She's so right! Once on a roll....it HAS to go! The excess weight has no choice!
  • ElzbthStths
    ElzbthStths Posts: 26 Member
    I notice you have really only logged during the week. The weekends no logging. This may be a clue. Maybe you are losing during hte week then gaining back during the weekend. You have to manage your lifestyle 7 /24 not only 4 days out of every 7.

    I agree. if you make it so you HAVE to log EVERYTHING, then it becomes a pain to snack. Because you have to go log it! AUGH!
    See? It's psychological.
  • jemachharo
    jemachharo Posts: 144 Member
    Thought I'd throw my 2 cents in. Looks like you each a lot of processed food. In my experience, all calories are not equal. My body does not do well on processed foods, no matter how low the calorie count. I do best when I eat lean protein, lots of fresh veggies, fresh fruit, and whole grains.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    If you can't get on here on the weekends, at least continue to write your food down. Use a piece of pen and paper that you keep handy or use the notepad on your phone or, what I do, start a text and save it as draft. Then when you come in to work on Monday, take a few extra minutes to log your weekend eating. Even if you have to guesstimate a litle, at least you're being consistent and you may find that you're eating more than you think.

    ETA: Also, not sure if anyone's mentioned this yet or not but when you start working out, or anytime you change your routine or increase the intensity (think anytime muscles are sore) you will be retaining water. This is commonly thought to be due to muscle gain but true muscle gain takes time (especially for us women) and very specific training. What's really happening is that the muscle tissue retains water as part of the natural healing process. Within a week or two, with consistent activity and plenty of water consumption, it will regulate and you'll start losing again. Don't let it get you down!
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    Thought I'd throw my 2 cents in. Looks like you each a lot of processed food. In my experience, all calories are not equal. My body does not do well on processed foods, no matter how low the calorie count. I do best when I eat lean protein, lots of fresh veggies, fresh fruit, and whole grains.

    ^^^^^ this...weight loss is only a small piece of the overall puzzle - diet is a HUGE part...

    I don't beleive in calories in = calories out - but rather how food breaks down and is used by your body...less processed, clean foods are going to break down quicker and have nutrients in their most natural state for your body to use...
  • msbellzee
    msbellzee Posts: 69
    Hi there, I have found that with exercise and diet the effort is huge and the results on the scales are minimal, esp in the beginning. I found people saying to me "wow you've lost weight" yet the loss on the scales was only a couple of kg's in a 3 month period and I work out 4-5 times a week.

    I’ve given up trying to understand what the hell the scales are doing, all I know is I need a size smaller pair of jeans. As others have said it's important to measure yourself and maybe ditch the scales for a while

    Good luck :)