Encouragement, motivation for beer lover

desperate to return to my pre 3 children weight!! get kind of annoyed with peoples general response when i say "i need to loose a few pounds" and get the; " your joking, where from".... hey people you don't see me undressed!!
tall girls hide it well !! 5ft 10 and weighing 10st 7.5 at min lost 1.5 lbs this week but on a very low calorie diet 1200, enjoyed the crap free food!
goal 10 st 3lb. not a lot to go but i struggle to loose the weight, i enjoy a fair few pints ;-) (whilst the children are at the dads) heavy in calories, this week, wrong i know i had salad on the nights i went out to counteract the beer....i can give up the junk food, enjoy the salad and veg etc but can't give up my twice a week visit to the pub....
the only exercise i do is the once or twice a week dog walk, really going to try and walk them each night tho... same old for me no time, busy mum....
would love to hear of any similar stories, really could do with the motivation and belief that he weight will come off..... failed every other time and i am desperately unhappy and uncomfortable in my clothes now.... muffin tops are a no go area for me, dreading the summer i won't take my coat off...
so fingers crossed the weight will keep going


  • wolfehound22
    First off feel free to add me, always looking to help with motivation.

    Ok on to the next thing, if u can get out and walk the dogs every night that would help, or maybe add in a little bit of working out at home. It doesnt have to be a ton but even an extra 30 min before work, or after the kids go to bed will help. As far as drinking goes, if u dont want to give it up, which really if u keep your diet tight everywhere else u should be ok. Maybe limit how much u drink, just cut it down by a pint or so, not sure how much u do drink, but a little less could help. Also this would be another eason to increase your workouts, this will help counteract the drinking, maybe workout a little longer on these days, or the day after. Basacally u will need to do a few more things if u want to lose weight. Also u may want to add in some more calories, cutting to much can hurt your weight loss goals, so maybe double check that.