Safely Detox.. Tips?

I've done this once before, a week of detoxing and felt amazing afterward! I haven't been eating clean for the past few weeks and feel like a short detox would do me & my body good!

I don't want to do any of the pills or drinks you buy... just good natural food.

The one I did last time focused on rehydrating your body (which I need to do) and starting with fluids and adding foods each day... it went something like this:

Day 1: Only fluids - (fruit/vegetable juice, vegetable broth, no soda or caffeine)
Day 2: Day 1+ fruits when you are hungry
Day 3: Day 1+ Day 2 + raw vegetables
Day 4: Day 1 + Day 2 + Day 3 + one cooked meal of vegetables and boiled brown rice
Day 5: Day 1 + Day 2 + Day 3 + Day 4 + add beans & lentils (but not with rice b/c it can slow digestion)
Day 6: Day 1 + Day 2 + Day 3 + Day 4 + Day 5 + Live yogurt/sheeps milk and you can replace brown rice with a wholegrain
Day 7: Day 1 + Day 2 + Day 3 + Day 4 + Day 5 + Day 6 +add a fresh fish

I could do this one again... but I'm curious what other detox plans have been followed. Any ideas?


  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    OK, you have me curious. If you're consuming enough fluids why would you have to rehydrate your body, the implication of rehydration is that you were dehydrated.

    Specifically what toxins are you trying to remove from your body that your liver & kidneys aren't already looking after? Just eat cleaner, more fibre, lots of fluids, less processed foods and your body "detoxes" it self every time you head to the loo.
  • lauralou23
    I don't think I am consuming enough fluids... that's why I said I need to rehydrate my body.

    I know to eat more fiber and less processed foods on a daily basis and detoxification is ongoing in the body, but toxins and stress prevent us from doing it optimally, which can eventually affect other systems in the body... When I haven't been eating as clean as I normally do it's time for a detox. My plan is do to a short term detox diet which is an intense detox diet that will allow me to focus on self-healing, and the goal being to raise energy levels, stimulate digestive health, clear headaches, remove bloating, improve concentration and mood, avoid getting allergies, regain our natural ability to ward off colds and flu, and prevent premature aging and disease.

    Toxins that I don't want in my body are anything from caffeine and alcohol to preservatives and excess sodium.
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    Our bodies are wonderful at detoxing themselves! Eat no processed foods, exercise and drink enough water and you'll be fine.