Any Experience On The 3 Day Diet?

With so many fads out there its hard to believe anything online anymore...

After looking into the 3 days in and 4 days out diet (it does by many names)..i was wondering if anyone had any experience with this, and if they minded sharing any progress they made :)



  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Losing weight is all about calorie deficits. If whatever this program you are talking about means in over the course of a week you have eaten in a calorie deficit, then yes. It will work. I find it easier to just log what I eat into MFP and go by their calorie calculations. It is easy and it works.
  • Kelblue1
    Kelblue1 Posts: 139 Member
    I have been doing alot of research on this one and the 7 day diet (cabbage soup diet/cleanse) I think I'm going to do this 3 day diet either this week or next as a jump start to my weight lose again. And also as a cleanse. I'm stuck right now and no matter how good I eat and exercise seems to not budge the scale, so I'm hoping it will get me going again. I'll try to remember to post results.
  • kyrasmum
    kyrasmum Posts: 50
    I'm on day 2 of this so will let you know my results when it's finished.:smile:
  • bump
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member

    Did it take 3-4 days for you to gain the weight?

    This is not a good idea.
  • kyrasmum
    kyrasmum Posts: 50
    I'm going to do the 3 day diet every week for 3 days. On the other 4 days I'll stick to 1200 calories, apart from a day in the weekend of now and then if I'm going out or something. Apart from that I also exercise every day. So no I don't expect 3 days will get me back in shape, but hoping it make it a bit easier not having to think about what to eat and counting all the calories for 3 days a week.
  • Kelblue1
    Kelblue1 Posts: 139 Member
    I finished.. Not so bad. It was alot of food for the dinners and I was stuffed after but.. I feel great. I did it as a cleanse and as a jump start cuz I've been stuck at a platue. Like I said I feel great. I lost about 5.4 lbs total. But I wasn't worried about that, as I said I did it as a cleanse. I will know in a few weeks if it worked! I recorded everything and in case people don't realize the calories... It is about 865 calories on Day 1, 1111 on day 2, and 874 on Day 3. So it wasn't too bad. I won't repeat this every week as some but maybe every few months. This is not going to hurt your body doing this only 3 days, even if you do it once a week for several weeks. It's not that much of a defiecency. You are getting over 800 calories a day. The most important thing is that it cleans you out and flushes out that water so you can have a fresh start.