
I'm a Crossfit guy. I know the ups and downs and don't want to start that whole debate. I'm actually looking at how to log the workouts. Its really hard to equate them with anything else out there. Currently I just log the time of the workout equal to that same time doing sit up and push ups but I'm not sure that's an appropriate conversion. The workouts are at an extraordinary intensity. Any thoughts?


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Heart rate monitor, and create your own exercise called WOD or make up another name.
  • MissMollieD
    MissMollieD Posts: 130
    The most accurate way would probably be to get a HRM. Once you have worn it a few times, you will probably get a feel for how many calories you burn. The estimations on this site aren't good for workouts like that.
  • JennyWithLime
    JennyWithLime Posts: 4 Member
    I was having the same issue so I bought a Heart rate monitor watch with chest strap, then i would enter my own excercise "crossfit" under cardio and enter my time and calories burned according to the watch... every day is different and MFP doesnt account for your lifting so this was the most effective way that I found. I Also noticed I burned significantly more on the days I lifted. I did a lot of researching before i focused on a watch the Polar brand is what i ended up with and I love it! Good luck! :smile: